Chapter 2 - school

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My first day of school... I'm so nervous. My heart was practically out my body it is pounding that much. What am I nervous about? Or what am I most nervous about? New people scare me. I know I moved before but it doesn't get easier as you go along. The same process at least from my experience. What happens if I'm bullied here too? I'm the upmost scared messed up person in this car right now. These questions are running over and over and over again on my mind whilst we travel to school.
"It's gonna be okay sweetie." Mother said trying to reassure me. I gave her a nervous smile with a gentle nod whilst stroking my own arm to comfort myself.
"You're going to make loads of friends, it's your first day so don't be so hard on yourself." Mom explained.
"Mom, you know what happened in my last school... please stop." I moaned.
"Sartina here is the deal, I thought this would be a massive refresh for us, especially after... well..." mom couldn't even finish her sentence.
"Mom, I am just nervous I'll be fine. I don't want it to be another repeat of my last school." I explained.
"I know, but sartina take my advice and just be yourself okay?" She asked. I ignored her thinking about all the situations that could go wrong.
"And for heavens sake sartina, please stop overthinking everything. No wonder you're worrying." Mom said with an annoyed tone.
"You know mom if you was in my situation you would understand more!" I yelled. I did not mean to it just came out. She suddenly stops the car.
"Sartina if you ever use that tone of voice to me again I will punish you! I will not accept that." She yelled
"Also I'm just trying to help you, I'm your mom for gods sake not your coach!" She explained. For a moment we both found ourselves in a moment of peace.
"I know your dad dying is not great, trust me I know it's hard-"
"Fuck's sake mom! It is not that!" I interrupted. I could tell I annoyed my mother.
"Sartina, if you ever use that launguage with me again, I will personally wash your mouth out with soap!" She screamed.
"I'm sorry mother. I'm just stressed, and then when you mentioned dad it just triggered me." I sobbed. Suddenly the car starts moving again.
"It's okay sweetie, we are just going to have to get used to this." She muttered.
Eventually we arrived...

We came up to this gorgeous white school, it was so green, and so modern. I instantly fell in love. The only things was putting me off was the people. THERE WAS SO MANY PEOPLE

"Alright sweetie, ready?" She asked. I put my legs up and tucked my face in between them to hide.
"Come on sweet." She said.
"Hav-how-hdoj." I mumbled
"What I cannot hear you, get your head up." She commanded
"HAVE YOU SEEN HOW MANY PEOPLE THERE ARE!" I yelled she passed me my bag and threw me out the car and drove off. And there I was standing amongst all these different kinds of people. My heart begins to race.
"Come on sartina.. you got this." I reassured myself. I breathe in and out for a few moments. I take one step at a time. And the next thing I know I'm stood at the main door.
"Push to open nerd!" Some random kid yelled. I could hear them all laughing behind my back. I push the door and walk in to the hallways. There are lockers everywhere. In fact it is actually a pretty nice school. The architect is done really well. Classes are all split down the hallway in between the lockers and the cafeteria is upstairs. I even heard online there is a nice pool, basketball place, and a gym. What a luxury school I have entered.

There are four different groups in the hallway yapping away. There was the cheerleaders in there short skirt uniforms. Then there was the bad boys, you know the boys all the cheerleaders crush on, and date with. Then there was the goth, well self explanatory really. And lastly the nerds. I found myself between four group's to introduce myself too. I did not wanna pick nerds, as I want to build an image not be bullied again. If I talk to the cheerleaders well I'll be sure to be popular then. I gather all courage I have left in me and walk over to the girls.
"What do you want?" One of them asked with a nasty tone.
"Oh..well..I'm sartina.." I stuttered. They all look at me for a moment and start laughing.
"The hell do you want Sartina?" She asked with her arms crossed and her eyes piercing my eyes.
"Don't give me well, it was rhetorical. Go away." The girl commanded.
"Don't be so rude." I snapped back.
"I'm not being rude, if you wanna see rude stand here longer. Look at what you're wearing." She blurred.
"What's wrong with my cloths?" I asked nervously.
"Get out of here Sartina!" She shouted. I quickly move away and suddenly I bump in to another girl. I'm not sure what group she was in, but she was dressed all pretty, nice spotty skirt, and a white t-shirt. Her hair was in pigtails and she has a nice caramel tone in her skin.
"Sss..sorry." I said
"What happened there?" She asked. I jumped.
"I tried talking to them." I said
"You will never get anywhere near them girls they're nasty. You see the girl you spoke to?" She asked
"Yes." I replied
"Her name is Fiona, she is an utter bitch, and if you go near her pretend boyfriend you'll pay for it." She explained. I stare for a moment and observe them.
"The girls next to her, are basically her dogs on a leash. It's all about her, and you do what she does." She explained further.
"She is really a bitch then." I commented.
"Yes, and the boys stay away from them too, they're quite like the cheerleaders." She said.
"Why are you helping me?" I asked nervously.
"You're gonna get yourself in a situation you really don't want to be in. Stay away from them." She said.
"Thank you, I didn't catch your name." I said. She looked at me and smiled.
"Name is Amy, you?"
"Sartina, thank you for helping me."
We both looked at each other and then the bell suddenly rings.
"Well Sartina, hopefully you're in my classes. I shall see you around." She said.

Well now it's time for class...
What will happen during class?
Will she have more drama with the girls?
Or does she embarrass her self and make her self a laughing stock? Come back for chapter 3 see you there!

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