Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: A little creepy

*Kelsey's POV*

Okay Kelsey,

I'm going to try my best not to question all these things you've just told me. To be honest, yes I am kinda freaked out but what do you expect? You can't just tell me these things and propose that I should be honest and then you will be too? Who even does that? And there is a hell of a lot of questions I got in mind and weird stuff is happening and I just can't decipher what's going on.

I am almost a hundred percent sure that I don't know you and I'm not aware how you know me but it's pretty creepy. Also I got this weird voice in my head and I don't think it's my subconscious because I can't control this voice and it just feels like I'm being pulled in a hundred different directions.

If we're going to continue this, at least tell me a few things that can make me trust you a bit more. Because I told my friends and they think it's a bad idea, I on the other hand, tried to convince them otherwise just so I can figure this out. And to be more complicating I don't even know if there is anything to figure out. Which just makes me question my bloody existence if I'm honest. But, you sound interesting and learning new things is my weak spot. But I'll tell you about that another day.

Right now I just want to chill, and ask why you chose to write to me? Or did you not choose or what? Because I'm so confused. I know you said you'll tell me in time, but I just ain't that patient. I don't even know how you look to begin with. Please just don't tell me that you're some psycho killer or someone who sew their legs on backwards or something.

Because I heard people there can reflect emotions and I can be like, right in a trap and right before I open my eyes, you kill me.

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. But I'm kinda frightened of a place such as the one you are in. I hope I don't offend you too much. So, why don't you know your last name? If I may ask?



Dorian just came to give me my letter about an hour ago. She's one of my favorite people here. One of my friends actually. She's sort of a temporary volunteer, like she helps with the nursing, giving food and keeping the rooms clean. Sometimes she's the only one who keeps me sane here.

Anyway, I understand that I'm making Harry confused. Maybe I had a bad approach to this situation. But I never thought they'd make me do this. They're trying to chance time, and it's not right. It's not how I was learned. Don't mess with the future.

Its cute how Harry gets so mad sometimes, it's like trying to anger a 2 year old.

I never could take him seriously. I can try to explain some things to him, but it's gonna be hard with them watching me like hawks.

I was getting a bit mad when Harry told his friends about me. I remember Liam, but the other blonde one, Niall I think, I don't remember.

I don't trust them yet.

Ha, I almost made myself laugh. I don't trust anyone.

Except Harry of course, and my brother. But lord knows where he's at.

I tried telling Harry to stop telling them but his stubbornness got in the way. I swear his curls are thicker than his skull, cause nothing gets past those. Yes, I was the 'voice' in his head. For some reason, I got in his head, literally and now that I'm in, I'm not leaving soon. I finally cracked his code and I'm in.

This will only change more and more if he doesn't stop telling people about me, they're going to know my name and then everything will just not make sense in the end. It's not how I tried planning this. And he better stop. I'm glad he decided against telling Anne, honestly, I would have lost it if he told her.

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