Chapter One

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"Ugg, school." I said to my best friend.

I was walking up the steps to Beacon Hills High School next to my best friend as we were talking about the first day of school.

"It won't be so bad, and mean we're sophomores, so only three more years left of high school." He smiled weakly at me.

"Yep, you know I envy the seniors." I said.

"Really I wonder why." He said sarcastically.

"Well that and the fact that they only have collage left and then they're free." he just laughed at my comment.

I walked to my locker and he just walked by me to his, "See you later." he waved at me.

I gave him a slight wave back.

I grabbed by books out of my locker, closed it and then turned around. I ran into someone knocking all the books out of my hands, "Sorry!" We both said at the same time. I giggled.

I kneeled down and grabbed some of my stuff, he leaned down too and helped me, when he handed me all my stuff back I smiled and said,"Thank you."

"Your welcome." I finally looked at his face and may I just say, it was perfection! He smiled and I could see that perfect jaw of his. He was pretty muscular which I liked, he had dark blond hair kind of like mine but darker (sense my hair was dirty blonde), he had blue eyes like me, and he wasn't overly tall but taller then me because I'm 5'3. It sucks being short but there are some advantages like, not being taller then this hot boy in front of me. "Hi, I'm Liam Dunbar."

"Hi, I'm Alex Leombruno." I replied. "What's your next class?"


"Oh, me too!"

"Do you want to walk to class together?" He asked.

I think I blushed, I silently punished myself for that and said, "Sure."

We started walking in the direction of the class. "Sorry about your books." Liam said.

"It's ok, it was probably more my fault anyway, I turned around too fast." he just chuckled as we walked into the class together.

"Liam." I heard someone call him from behind us. I looked at Liam, he gave me one last sorry glance and then walked over to the guy calling his name.

When he got over I saw another guy come out too. They were seniors and I had seen them at lacrosse practice sometimes when I went to see Ryan play. I think their names were Scott and Stiles.

Stiles is a weird name, I thought to myself.

I didn't want to ease drop so I walked over and sat down in the desk next to where Ryan was sitting.

"Who was that?" He asked immediately after I sat down.

"Which one?"

"The one you almost walked in with." he looked at me with a 'duh' expression.

"Oh, his names Liam."


"And what? We ran into each other and I dropped my books so he walked me to class."

"I've seen him on the lacrosse team."

"Really?" I asked.

"Ya, he is a really good player!" I looked at him. "On the field, on the field! Jeez!"

I laughed at him but stopped when the teacher started class.

Liam sat down a row over from me, he waved and I waved back giving him a smile.

I looked back a Ryan, he had his eyebrows up and he mouthed 'really'.

I just rolled my eyes and looked away.

After school was over I was walking out of the school when my phone started to ring, I answered, "Hello."

"You like him don't you."

"Even if I did like him, which I don't, then what would make you think I would tell you?" I asked Ryan.

"Come on Alex, I'm your best friend, I know all your secrets."

I got into the passenger seat of my sisters car and she mouthed 'Ryan' when she saw me on the phone, I nodded.

"Well not this one." I said back to him.

"Fine, am I still coming over your house after practice?" He asked.


"Great then I can just nag you about it then."

I sighed, "Bye Ryan."

"Bye." I hung up.

"You should go out with him already." My sister said.

"I've told you this a million times Em, he's just my friend!"

"Ya, but he could be your boyfriend." She smiled and we both laughed. "Is he coming over tonight?"


"Ugg, so I have to do the dishes?"

"Yep!" I said excitedly.


We got home and I ran up to my room to drop my bag on my bed.

I got my computer out and leaned on the back board of my bed, crossing my legs.

I sat there for a couple of hours, then the doorbell rung, "Its Ryan!" My sister yelled.

I ran down the stairs, "Hey."


We both went up the stairs he sat on the floor and I sat back on my bed.

"Are you getting it."

"Ya, it's loading now." I said.

*Liam's POV*

I was laying on my bed trying to figure out where I had heard that name before.

Alex Leombruno.

I know I had either heard it or saw it somewhere.

I finally gave up and grabbed my homework out of my bag, a paper fell out and I picked it up.

I knew where the name was from.

I took out my phone and texted Scott 'where are you?'

'Stiles's, why what's wrong?'

'I don't know yet but I think I have an idea'

I knocked on Stiles's door.

Stile's opened it and I saw Scott standing there too.

"What was so important?" Stiles asked.

"Remember that girl I walked with in History." They nodded. "I knew I heard her name somewhere before."

"She had this weird sent too, not human. Her names Alex Leombruno."

I held up the piece of paper.

"Liam why do you have the Dead Pool?" Scott asked.

"Just look at it." I said.

They looked at the paper and then found the name, the looked up at me shocked.

"She was worth 25 million Scott. Alex was worth as much as you."

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