Chapter Six

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I got up the steps to the school and was just entering it when I saw Ryan, "Hey!" I called.

"Hey." He walks up to me and we start walking to our first class.

"Did you get any sleep last night?"

"After seeing you, yea I did." I looked over at him.

"I'm really sorry that I didn't talk to you." I said glumly.

"It's fine, really." He smiles at me, "I will see you later?"

"Yea, bye." And then he walked off to his first class.

Before I could enter my class, Stiles stopped me at the door, "Hey, can you come over after school?"

"Yea, I think so. Why?"

"We're going to read the book."

"Yea, I can come over." I said.

Stiles walked away. I half wanted to just yell in Stiles' face for trying to read the book when they told me about Dr. Valak's warning. But the other part of me was saying that, the book might help us solve some things about The Dread Doctors, even if it does mess with our heads.

School went by slowly after that, in anticipation for what the book might say. Lunch was fast though because I got to see Ryan.

I was not excited walking up the steps to the "book club". I just wanted to read the book fast and get it over with.

Stiles opened the door for me and I stepped in, I walked right into the living room, where everyone else was, crowded around a table.

When I got to the table I saw a new face, didn't know who it was but I didn't want to ask questions.

Lydia spoke up first. "My moms book club usually has more wine."

"Well they probably didn't read books that caused violent hallucinations." Stiles said back.

"That's why Malia's here." Scott said, looking over at Malia. Malia just smiled in return.

"In case one of us goes running into traffic." Kira said.

"Or worse." Scott said, as soon as he says that the room kind of get quiet.

"Or what happened to Judy," Malia paused seeing all our confused faces, "Chapter 14."

Now we know what she's talking about. I nod my head.

"What is this book going to do to us?" I ask, I talked for the first time sense I got here and so everyone looked over at me.

Scott speaks first, "Dr. Valak said the book would resurface memories that might have been lost to the dread doctors.

I nod again.

Lydia reaches for a book, "Maybe I should have my mother read it. She might remember a girl on the calling with a tail and attacking everyone."

"If it works." Stiles says.

"It has to." Lydia says, a little more to herself.

"What do you mean?" Scott asks.

"I think I saw them during my surgery," Lydia starts, "When I look at the cover of the book, it's almost like.."

"A memory trying to surface." The boy I don't know finished.

"Isn't that what Valak wanted?" Kira asks.

"If they did something to me, I want to know what it is." Lydia says.

She breaks away from the group. Then we all start grabbing books and sitting down around the room.

I sit down in the living room with Scott, Kira, Lydia, and the guy I still don't know.


"Anyone feeling anything yet?" Scott calls after a little bit of reading.

"Tired." Kira says.

"Hungry." Lydia says too.

"I think he was talking about the book." The boy I don't know says. I really need to find out his name because just calling him "the boy I don't know" in my mind is getting kind of tiring.

I hear Malia and Stiles having a conversation in the kitchen but I didn't want to intrude so I didn't listen in. I saw the boy I don't know listening though, and that confused me.

"What's your name?" I ask the guy.

He looks at me like I wasn't just there a minute ago. "Theo." he finally says after looking at me intently for a minute.


The other people had fallen asleep and I had my eyes closed but I wasn't asleep yet, and it was a good thing because I heard someone get up.

I opened my eyes slowly to see Theo walk into a bedroom.

I slowly got up trying not to make any noise. I peaked through the door to the room he was in. Kira was saying something in her sleep and Theo was recording it.

I was thinking about why this would be happening and then saw Theo shift his weight, so I decided to go back to my chair I was laying on.


I got up early the next morning so that I could go home and get ready for school.

I got there and it went by fast other then there was a few incidents outside, but we weren't allowed to leave the classroom.

I was going to run around the track after school so I went to the girls locker room and changed my clothes.

I ran outside and started running around the track.

I looked in the middle where people were practicing lacrosse and soccer. I saw Hayden and waved, she waved back.

The I saw Liam, I looked at his body and the way it strained when he would throw a ball at the net. I think he looked over in my direction and I looked away, hoping he didn't see me.

I looked over again and I think I saw Hayden and Liam having it out on the field.

I saw someone run on the field and then Liam run off, I followed him.

He ran into a classroom and gave Scott an inhaler.

I didn't think that was right because Scott was a werewolf and he didn't have asthma.

I shrugged it off for now and figured I would ask him later.

Fury (Teen Wolf/ Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now