Chapter 7

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Aiden was behind the wheel, his hand lazily resting on Emma's thigh as she leaned into him, the two sharing quiet, comfortable laughs in the front seat. I was in the back, the perpetual third wheel, pretending to look out the window as I tried not to cringe at the lovey-dovey couple stuff going on in front of me. I could practically feel the waves of affection coming from them, and I was just... there, stuck in the backseat of Aiden's car. Not that I was complaining—well, maybe a little—but it wasn't like I had anywhere better to be. Besides, Aiden and Emma were good company, even if it meant witnessing their borderline nauseating love for each other.

We were heading to some café, though none of us knew the name of it. Aiden had apparently stumbled upon it and decided it was perfect for today. But the thing about them, especially Emma, was that they always had some hidden agenda. They didn't just "go to cafés" without some reason, and knowing them, they had something up their sleeves.

When we finally arrived, I stepped out of the car, stretching a bit from being crammed into the back. The café was small, nestled between two other shops, the sort of place that looked like it was trying a little too hard to be trendy. It took me a moment but, I recognized the place. My stomach did a weird little flip.

Roasted Roots. The fucking cafe Audrey works in

I tried to act normal, not wanting to show any sign of... whatever it was I was feeling. It wasn't like I was expecting to see her or anything—her shift wouldn't start for a few more hours, at least that's what I thought. And honestly, I wasn't sure if I wanted to see her today. It's like when you both want and don't want something at the same time, you know? That feeling of anticipation mixed with anxiety. It's stupid, really.

We settled down on some couches by the window, the kind of seating that looks comfortable but is really just a trap for you to sink into awkwardly. Emma and Aiden started looking through the menu, all posh-sounding drinks and pastries. They ended up ordering some artisanal flat white thing and some pastry with an overly fancy name—something French, I think. I didn't care enough to remember.

Aiden leaned back, smirking like he always does when he's about to say something that'll throw me off. "So, we've got something to tell you."

I looked up, feeling the setup coming. "Yeah?"

"We're having a housewarming party next weekend," Emma chimed in, smiling brightly.

"Of course, you're invited," Aiden added as if I had a choice.

"That's it?" I asked, raising a brow.

Well, not really," Aiden leaned forward, glancing around the café. "I saw this place a while ago and thought, you know, we never get to hang out anymore because of work. So, why not?"

I nodded slowly, already sensing there was more. "Right..."

"And also," Aiden started, and there it was, the smirk, "how's Audrey doing?"

I stiffened. Of course, he'd bring her up. "Shut up, man. There's nothing between us."

"Yet," Emma cut in, grinning from ear to ear.

Seriously, it's not like that." I crossed my arms, feeling the heat rise to my face. I couldn't even look at them. They both knew. They had seen the evidence, after all—stalking her Instagram didn't exactly help my case.

"You're really not making a move?" Aiden asked, faking a look of disappointment. "Come on, man, she probably likes you already."

"You don't know that"

Emma snorted. "Sure, and I bet you didn't play her stories on a loop."

I glared at them, but I couldn't argue. They already knew too much. "Look, I don't want to ruin things, alright? We've got this... thing going on, and it's good. I don't want to mess that up."

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