6 = Rehab Rewind ⏮️🔥☹️

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Here we are sat in the bus ready to go to Manchester for our game against city. This is Cait's first game back in the match day squad. Her rehab was full of ups and downs. She really struggled to come to terms with this, not fully believing until she had her scan.


"Cait, I know you don't want to get up, but you have scans today." I gently brush my hand on her cheek. Caitlin does not want to get up, she opens her eyes and looks at me. "C'mon babe!" I kiss her forehead and make sure she can reach her crutches and leave to get sorted. I brush my teeth and put my hair up, since I still have training today. I leave the bathroom to Cait stood up with her crutches, just at the top of the stairs. She can do stairs just not fully comfortable yet. I of course carry her down, joke trying to crack any sort of smile out of her.

We eat breakfast and finally get out to the car; Caitlin does not really speak at all. I get her to the car and quickly run back in for all our bags and my wash bag. We then finally leave; I hold Cait's hand since I do not want to injure her thigh anymore. I fiddle with her fingers just trying to get some emotions out of her, but still nothing. Cait's scan is not until 2 o'clock so I cannot be with her.

We get to the training ground majority of the team are already there, since we are still slow with trying to get out of the house. I get out of the car and put my backpack and carry the other bags, Caitlin still not made a move. I drop the other bags and open the car door, I place my hand on Cait's good leg, "Come on Cait. I know you do not want to know but to be able to start rehab they have to find the reason." She nods knowing I am right I give her a kiss and pull her out of the car. We stand there for a few minutes Caitlin's arms around my neck and mine stabilising her with my arms around her waist. I give her one more kiss on her head. We then start going in, today was going to be rough.

Cait goes straight up to the dinner; however, I go and take our bags first. The only person in there was Lia, everyone else already in the dinner. "Hi Katie, how is Caitlin?" To be honest I do not really know, "Ok, I guess." Lia just nods obviously knowing what Caitlin was like. "Stubborn." I nod agreeing with her. "Don't let her win, she prob doesn't know what to do, with herself" I thank Lia and go to meet them in the dinner.

Cait is sat in the corner not talking to anyone, has not got her foot up or anything. I go to get us food before going over to her because an international camp was coming up and I need her to know that she needs to look after her foot.

--end of flash back--

Of course it was her Lisfranc ligament, but as I sit on the bus looking at her. This is the happiest I have ever seen her in an along time. We get to the stadium, and we all go into the changing room, I specifically asked to make me and Cait next to each other just so I could keep an eye on her. She gets her ankle full strapped up and I have to get a sleeve for my arm, we think I have torn my bicep, so I am not starting either but will be subbed.

Me and Cait both get subbed on in the 78 minute, Cait on for Mariona and Steph of for me. Caitlin is straight back in it. She scores in the 83-minute making the score 2-1. I have never been so happy. I do however get yellow carded but not even for a foul for kicking the ball at some one's foot after they fouled Caitlin. Caitlin had to pull me away before I got a second, "Hey I am fine look." I agree with her and finish the cam, Caitlin's goal winning it for us all. I am ecstatic for Caitlin getting back on the pitch, not going into her old habits and pursuing her goal. Yes, there was a lot of bad moments.


We have just got home from the hospital from Caitlins surgery, she was not in too much pain but now I think the pain meds are starting to wear off. I run upstairs checking she has everything she could need next to her bed and run back downstairs, not wanting to leave Caitlin on her own for longer than 5 minutes.

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