Introduction of the characters

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Case File- Eyeless Elijah
Name- Elijah Elrod
Gender- Male He/Him
Age- 26 Years Old
Height- 6ft 12
Weight- 124KG
Nationality: British
Languages Spoken:
Birth Of Origins- London, England
D.O.B- 24th November 2008
Derick Elrod- Father
Tanisha "Tony" Elrod- Sister
Thomas Jones-Friend "Assosiate"

Background Information:
Elijah Elrod Or Infamously known as Eyeless Elijah is a 6ft 12 Englishman that is wanted for the crimes listed down below (read after this) who also has an assosiate Infamous known as The Boomslang the background of both is still unclear to us, all we know is that he lived with his Father Derick Elrod since his Mother died during childbirth not to mention his father was the talk of the town the father was this and that it got to the point where they moved from England to Scotland then at some point in his life he met Thomas then messed with his head then couple years later became the most wanted men in all of the UK but one thing is for sure he pays his taxes even though he is a criminal he always pays his taxes on time as to not get the IRS on him not to mention he doesn't hurt women, children or any innocent folk but only hurts those that deserve to be hurt not to mention they hosts annual fundraisers that must be how he and Thomas got rich quick yet i wonder what role one plays and what story they tell the civilians to get them to pay for the fundraiser.

Crimes Committed:
Third Degree Murder- 254,082 acts
Coersion- 98,032 acts
Hit and Run- 250,000 acts
Incinuating Riots- 50,000 acts
Kidnapping- 70,918 acts
Torture /used on the victims- 450,000 acts
Usage of Lethal Chemicals- 5,300,000 acts
Usage of Explosives- 50,000 acts
Unlicenced Medical Treatment- 500,001 acts

Case File- The Boomslang
Name- Thomas Jones
Gender- Male He/Him
Age- 26 Years Old
Height- 6ft 8
Weight- 118KG
Nationality: Irish
Languages Spoken:
Birth Of Origins- Belfast, Ireland
D.O.B- 24th November 2008
Elijah Elrod- Friend "Assosiate"
Tanisha "Tony" Elrod- Friend???
Calypso Jones-Mother

Background Information:
Thomas Jones Or Infamously known as Boomslang is a 6ft 8 Irishman that is wanted for the crimes listed down below (read after this) who is also one of the assosiates of the even more Infamous Eyeless Elijah the background of both is still unclear to us all we know is that he lived with his Mother Calypso Jones since she and his father Divorced after a pretty big fight on his 10th birthday not to mention it was the talk of the town the Mother was this and that it got to the point where they moved from Northern Ireland to Scotland then at some point in his life he met Elijah who must've messed with his mind which then caused them both to become the most wanted men in all of the UK but one thing is for sure he pays his taxes even though he is a criminal he always pays his taxes on time as to not get the IRS on him not to mention he doesn't hurt women, children or any innocent folk but only hurts those that deserve to be hurt not to mention they hosts annual fundraisers that most be how he and Elijah got rich quick yet i wonder what role one plays and what story they tell the civilians to get them to pay for the fundraiser.

Crimes Committed:
Third Degree Murder- 123,041 acts
Coersion- 94,031 acts
Hit and Run- 125,000 acts
Incinuating Riots- 25,000 acts
Kidnapping- 40,404 acts
Torture- 225,000 acts
Usage of Lethal Chemicals- 2,800,000 acts
Usage of Explosives- 12,250,000 acts
Mutilation- 1,250,000 acts

Eyeless ElijahWhere stories live. Discover now