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I've always been careless. No mater what it was school,work,family time,friends, exedra. But August 12 2019 I stopped being so careless and more careful because of Emily. I still have night terrors from her. It was a sunny day, all was well, the birds where singing. When I heard there was going to be a ICP concert I immediately bought the last ticket and got into my car. I knew there was a flat and my breaks needed to be changed but there was no way I was going to miss them. I was driving at the speed of light. I took the back roads so I did not have to stop at a red light. I was about half way there when a ram 1500 slammed on their breaks. I however did not have that option so I tried to weave around them to avoid hitting them at sixty miles per hour. I was terrified my breaks had completely quit. My speed was only exhilarating. My eyes widen as I see a girl only two feet from me. I hit her. I full on ran her over. there was no time to react or think. After hitting her and hearing her screams I ran into a ditch and awoke in a hospital. layter on I was informed that her name was Emily johnson and she died minuets after impact. I was released perfectly unharmed mean while she was dead. I layed in my bed for days grieving over my carelessness. Days,turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. I had nightmares every day and night for two years straight. Now I only get them occasionally. Her scram always echoing in my mind.

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