I hate pony . 1/1

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2 likes and ill post the pony backshots image i drew

To say the apocalypse sucked would be a huge understatement.

Pony was reminded of this simple yet cruel fact just a few hours ago. Another failed supply run is just what everyone needed when we're getting low on food and water. And everyone thinks it was his fault? To say it was irrational for Pony, a grown man who is capable of protecting himself, to wander off and find food of his preference was irrational in itself! Yes he might've led the infected to the group but what was he supposed to do? Mimi was still working on repairing his sword.

But Zizzy was usually right in situations like these. She is the survival expert after all. And the unofficial leader.

Pony sighs and finishes cleaning his glasses. He needs to take good care of them because he will definitely not be finding a replacement.
He's been nervous ever since they got back to The Safe Place. Zizzy has made it clear that she believes Pony is at fault. She didn't yell at him or anything. But he knows she's pissed at him due to the crashing sounds coming from their mini gym. She only beats up her old punching bag(it's a miracle how that thing is still in one piece) when shes reallyyy mad. He just knows shes gonna come lecture him soon.

Writing in his diary usually eased his nerves. It was Zizzy's sister's idea that everyone writes in a diary. To keep everyone from going insane. Pony rarely wrote in his. His entries being weeks apart were proof.
He grabs his yellow-orange diary and pen from where they rest on his shelf and sat down on the edge of his bed. His last entry was also about a supply run. Where he somehow managed to get his hands on a small bouquet of (healthy) roses that he gifted to Zizzy. He frowned.

"Right.." He glanced in the direction he knows the mini gym is in. Knowing Zizzy is most likely still mad at him. He begins to write. He can only get the date written down before his freezes at the sound of the doorknob rattling. Slamming the book shut and standing up as the door slowly opens.

"Pony?" Zizzy's voice comes from the other side of the door as it continues opening. Pony doesn't get a chance to respond before Zizzy fully creaks the door open and is staring right at him. Pony smiles nervously. Not really sure what to do.

"So... Mind explaining what happened today?" She sounded just like his father. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

"I was gonna be right back. You know nobody else looks for carrots!" He reasoned.

"We were eventually going to look for your carrots but we were looking for what's lowest in stock first! I told you this before we even left The Safe Place!" Zizzy retorts. She already sounded annoyed with him.

"But isn't it more productive that we all split up? It would cover more ground and we could all find the supplies we want!"

"Split up?! Are you crazy? This isn't just regular grocery shopping, Pony! We cant just 'split up' in the middle of an apocalypse! We're supposed to stick together. That way we don't fuck up the mission. Kinda like what you did today." She raised her voice slightly. Making air quotes on the 'split up'.

"That place has been abandoned for months! How was I supposed to know an infected was taking a tour? And I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. If I had my sword-" Zizzy cut him off.

"Well you didn't! So why did you think going out on your own was a good idea? When I specifically told you not to do that?!" She was stepping closer to him. Causing Pony to be very aware of their size difference. Suddenly not wanting to get Zizzy of all people mad at him.

"Y-you.. ..." He crossed him arms and looked away. Zizzy was right and he knew it. His look of defeat seemed to calm Zizzy down.

"Just.. don't do it again okay?" She turned around. Ready to walk out. But Pony has always been a petty man. And this was no exception. As she turned around to leave his pride got the best of him. In an attempt to get the last word in, he muttered under his breath,

I Hate Pedro PonyWhere stories live. Discover now