That Night

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     The rest of my shift all Steven and Katie could talk about was our tall, dark, and hansom mystery man. To be honest it's all I could think about. Even now, standing in front of the mirror in my bathroom I was thinking about him. I was getting ready for our night out. Lana and I were meeting some people at the club, including Katie and Steven. I was touching up my make up, doing a thicker cat eye look when my phone buzzed. Take your hall pass tonight! You could totally get it with Steven, then find Mr. Armani and have your way!  Katie's text rattle around in my brain. She was totally insane, but I mean would Jason really be mad if I maybe kissed someone else? He always said he wished I had been with at least one other person before we got together. I shook my head, turning my phone over and heading into my room to find an outfit. 

     The club was popping tonight. There was a little bit of a line outside and Lana and I took to the back of it, Lana glued to her phone texting whoever. She was in a light pink crop top with a black mini skirt, her belly completely exposed and she didn't give one fuck. Her hair fell perfectly along her shoulders and she was carrying a small black wrist-let. I had chosen a spaghetti strap black romper with a pair of black peek toe wedges. I left my hair alone, it was still holding it's flip from this morning and actually looked good. "Listen, I brought some Molly if you want to partake." Lana smiled without looking up from her phone, wiggling her black pouch. "You know we always have fun when we do Molly." she sang song as we approached the front of the line. "True." I smiled, handing my ID to the bouncer. Lana and I usually took Molly when we went to the club, we would roll hard and dance most of the night away until Lana would disappear with someone, leaving me to walk home alone or beg for a ride from one of the friends accompanying us. Lana batted her eyes at the bouncer and he let her pass without looking at her ID.

     The club was dark except for the random colored light moving around on the dance floor in the middle of the room. There were two bars on either side of the building and I made a bee line for one, grabbing Lana's hand and pulling her along. We both ordered two vodka cranberries and searched the room for Steven and Katie. "Over there." Lana pointed to the right of the room where Steven and Katie were sitting at one of the tall white tables. We hurried over to them, carefully juggling our drinks as we dodged drunk people. "Hey!" Katie yelled and threw her arms around me, alcohol was already radiating off of her. "You're happy. Let me get on that level." I said and took a long sip of my drink, Steven laughing loudly. "How are you?" I touched his arm and took the seat in between him and Katie, Lana sitting across from me. "So good, I'm happy you're here." He put his hand over mine on his arm, smiling wide at me. "Wanna partake?" Lana asked interrupting our moment by shoving her hand full of Molly at us. "Oh no girl, I'm good." Katie shook her head as Steven and I took a pill. "Let's roll." Lana winked at Steven. "Cheers." he said, knocking his pill into mine and hers. I put mine in my mouth and swallowed, chasing it with my drink. I could tell this was going to be a good night.

     An hour later we were all on the dance floor. My skin was tingling and I felt great. I was dancing around Lana and Katie who were grinding on each other when Steven took my hand and pulled me into him. We swayed back and forth a moment, smiling wide at each other. "This is so fun!" he yelled into my ear. "Totally! I'm glad you're having such a good time!" I yelled back, putting my hands on his back and keeping him close. "You know, I should tell you something." he said, putting his lips to my ear. "What's that?" I asked with a giggle. "Mia! Let's get another drink!" Katie yelled, dancing over to me and taking my hand. "Yes!" Lana yelled and followed us with Steven off the dance floor. "Steven was about to say something to me!" I yelled at Katie, a little pissed that she had interrupted us. She ignored me, stopping in front of the bar and yelling something at the bartender. "What was he going to say?" she asked as I leaned across the bar with her, our backs to the dance floor. "I don't know, that's what I was about to find out." I sighed as a clear shot came slamming down in front of me. "Bottoms up." Katie clinked her shot with mine and we threw our head back, swallowing fast. "Oh yeah!" Katie clapped turning to face the dance floor. "Shit." I heard her say and turned around too. In front of us were Steven and Lana making out, grabbing at each other frantically. My heart shattered. "Seriously. He was into you." Katie glared at the two of them and I shook my head. "Whatever, I'm taken anyway." I said it but I didn't mean it. I turned back to the bar and ordered two more shots.

     Katie and I had taken two of the stools in front of the bar, my Molly high had deflated a lot when I saw Lana kissing Steven but it was still there tickling the back of my brain. I was downing alcohol to try to over ride it, if we weren't dancing there was no point. "Hey...wait a fucking minute." I heard Katie say. She was looking intently at the middle of the dance floor and I followed her gaze. There, slowly dancing his way off the dance floor was Mr. Armani. At least I thought it was. I looked at Katie, "It's him right?" she asked, just as unsure as I was. He looked just like him in the fact that he was the tallest person in here with broad shoulders. But he was not wearing his expensive Armani. He was in a black tank top that showed off every inch of his muscles, with a pair of light grey sweats. And he had a black bandanna folded and tied around his forehead, pushing his hair back a little, but he had on the same aviators he was wearing at the shop today and he was heading straight for us. 

     "Hey." he said so smoothly I was a puddle in the bar stool. I stared up at him, taking in his glory. I couldn't tell if he was hotter in his suite or like this. "Hazelnut girl, right?" he crossed his arms in front of him and I nodded. "Armani guy?" I asked, not realizing what I'd said until it came flowing out of my mouth. He laughed, looking down a little then back to me. "Well I'm glad I ran into you. That coffee was amazing." he smiled. "Thanks." I smiled back, tucking my hair behind my ear. "Listen, I have to meet up with someone right now but I'm going to look for you later." he pushed his sunglasses up for a second, looking me in the eye and doing that smirk thing. "We'll be around till one." Katie said for me, his gaze had frozen me. "Cool, later babe." he dropped his sunglasses down and disappeared into the club. I turned to Katie with my mouth open and she let out a squeal. "Who was that?" Lana came walking up to us, Steven had disappeared. "Where's Steven?" I asked her and she smiled. "He's in the bathroom. We're going to get out of here, as soon as you tell me who that fucking hunk was and how I can get into his pants." Lana clapped silently and I exhaled. "I don't even know his name." 

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