An unknown stone

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"Stupid exams!" Genevieve yelled almost loud enough to wake her brother up
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Sylvester, her brother said in a sleepy but annoyed voice
"Why are you screaming in the middle of a god damn night?"
"I have an exam tomorrow" Gene said
"So? It doesnt mean that you can do whatever you want, just let me sleep dude"
Gene roled her eyes and turned her head back to her book, she have to study for her history exam, if there is anything that is hard for her, its history, she would give a millions of dollars to get history out of her life.
She was just looking at the words of her book, when she noticed a weired looking stone just near her room window, great! Another distraction to stop her from whatever she was doing, she tried ignoring it as much as she could but something about that stone was making her curious.
The stone was weirdly shiny, it looked like a crystal, a mixture of blue, purple and pink, which was strangely beautiful.
Gene tried not to think about it that much, that until she eventually give up and went near her window, she observed it for sometime and then picked it up, she looked at it like it was some kind of jewellery
"Huh, that's weird, i have never see this kind of stone before?"
Gene said before looking at it for some more time, she thought of waking up her younger brother but it was more likely that he would be angry and annoyed instead of being curious like her, too
She went back to her study table, the stone still in her hand, she sat back on her chair , threw that crystal looking stone on the side of her table and just stared at nothing for almost two minutes trying to remember what she was doing before she went towards that stone.
She took a deep breath, why can't she remember?, she looked at the time, it was 12:45, and without giving it much thought she went to sleep, she seemed pretty sure that whatever it was that she had been doing before, it was not that important...

Next day
Looking at the test paper, gene cursed herself,she was thinking about the events of previous night, trying to figure out what was she doing instead of studying?, and then finnaly she remembered that stone by which she got distracted, she cursed that stone but she knew that cursing a stone would not make things better, its not gonna change the questions
She palmed her face, trying to recall the things she actually studied but it seemed like she has totally forgotten everything that happened last night, the memories are blury and feels like a dream, she even wondered if everything that happened last night, is just a dream and she never really studied at all, nor did she found that stone at the first place.
Lost in thought, she snapped out of her day dreams by a loud bell, she was still trying to process her surrounding until the teacher announced that the students now have only got 15 minutes to finish their test, she finnaly snapped back to reality and panicked, after 15 minutes the bell rang again and everyone submitted their answer sheets
Gene, who was tired as hell after finishing the test in exactly 15 minutes, somehow.., was now wondering if she will fail or god will eventually decide to save her this time
Gene was heading to cafeteria when she met liz, her bff, gene who was exsausted was now filled with joy as she saw her, she and liz has been friends since kindergarten, and they understood each other more than anyone could.
"Hey girl! How is it going?,how was the exam?"liz said
"Not bad but not good"
"Yeahh...i kinda knew that the moment i saw your face when you looked at the questions.."
"So.. what was it you wanted to tell me?"liz said, coming in front of gene.
"Yeah so....what i wanted ro tell you was-.."gene stopped, she remembered that she told liz that she wanted to tell her something before exam, but now that she think about it, she doesnt think that she should tell her about that , but why?, she was asking herself why doesnt she wanna tell her anything now?, she was lost in thought again, when suddenly liz snapped
"Back to this dimension, girl"
"What was it you wanted to tell me?"
"Uh.., nothing actually..." gene said, avoiding eye contact with her best friend
"There is definetly something wrong, look if you dont tell me, i will not talk to you"
"Ok ...ok ..geez.."gene said, now maintaining eye contact with her best friend
"There is a thing i wanted to show you,....come to my house today, i will show you ..its a very beautiful stone, i found" gene said still hesitating
"A stone? Seriously?, ..fine if you are saying its cool, then i guess i can believe you" liz said in a dramatic voice which made both gene and liz laugh, they were lughing and joking until they saw jessie, the school bully as well as the popular girl,now coming towards gene and liz, liz flinched at the sight , she looked irritated, but gene couldnt blame her, she, herself didnt liked jessie, no one did.
Jessie, who was coming towards them with a mischevious smile, which got on gene's nerve,bumped into gene.
"Watch it xavitquel" jessie snapped
Gene was annoyed and wanted to say something but she didnt, today was not her day, so she kept herself together, she knew jessie bumped into her on purpose, its what she always do.
"Well, i think that you should get your eyes checked, you were the one who bumped into us" liz protested, she was about to say more but gene stopped her, she gave her
the eye which liz understood and then both got out of there.
Gene and liz were heading to cafeteria when gene heard some people wishpering about something, normally gene would mind her own business, but it seemed like everybody was talking about the same thing, which she had no idea of.
"What is it that everybody seems to be talking about?"gene asked liz, her curiosity getting the best of her.
"Oh you haven't heard?" Liz said with a hint of surprise in her voice.
"No, i havent heard about anything, i was way to busy panicking about today's exam"
Liz remained silent for a moment before speaking up, a little less louder than before "its haley.....she disappeared two days ago...the police are still puzzled by where she went"
"What?!... haley? ....that introvert? that why she hasn't been coming to school?" Gene said with a hint of surprise and worry, gene didn't knew haley that much, haley didn't liked talking to people or makimg friends, but haley was gene's classmates and even tough they were not that close, gene still felt worried and was concerned about her, after all, it was not a small thing, a whole freaking person disappeared, and that person was her classmate was a whole cherry on the top.
Gene stayed silent for a moment, trying to process what she had heard before she eventually spoke up" soo....haley is nowhere to be found?, where the hell did she went?, do you think someone kidnapped her?"
"I dont know, but the police are saying that she was last seen going to the nearby woods" lez said looking down
"Nearby woods?..why would she go there?"
"There was also a news that a meteor has fell in the forest, that meteor came out of nowhere, it was completely unexpected, tough that's not the big deal here" liz said
"A meteor?...what the hell is happening?.....and how come i dont know anything?" Gene said shakimg her head.
"Maybe you need to be more down to earth than being lost in your novels" liz said sarcastically
"Yeah ...yeah..whatever"gene said rolling her eyes
Gene didnt cared about her surrounding, not at least, but seeing the things she had heard, she really needed to be more down to earth, she was just thinking about these thing when she found herself thinking about that stone again, why does it keep coming to her mind?, it feels like she cant get that out of her head, which was a problem as it was distracting her, she tried not to think about it but it didnt worked, so she decided that she would gift it to her brother as it was his birthday today, she was sure that he would be happy, he is intrested in these type of things,she was sure that he will like it .....
But the main problem is what was it , that kept her getting attracted to that stone, and when she thought about gifting it, why is she still getting the feeling that she shouldn't but at the same time, gifting it to her brother is feeling like the most right thing to do
What's with this mixed feeling?....

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