nearby woods

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Gene was in the living room that was being decorated for sly's birthday, she was trying to help but her mind kept wondering about that stone, she was confused whether she had ADHD or there was something more about that stone, even more than she could imagine, like really a weird stone which looked like a crystal, was chilling specially in her room? Gene was still thinking about that stone when sly called her from behind
"You okay there?"
"Yes i am just perfect as usual" gene said a little horrified as she jumped on her seat from the unexpected call
"Righttttttt....." sly said rasing an eyebrow, he wanted to show gene something and he thought it was the best moment for him to do that, after all the thing he wanted to show her  was bothering him all day, he couldn't stop thinkimg about that  specific thing.
"Uhh....i wanted to show you something, its....its a beautiful thing..." sly finally said to gene as he tried to avoid eye contact
"Well, thats concidential 'cause i also wanted to show you something.." gene said as she thought about that stone
"Really? Then why dont you show me  and i will show you, K?
"Ok i will show you once liz gets here" gene said looking at her watch
Sly nodded and glanced outside trough the window, looking at the woods, he stared at it for some time before eventually going back to his and gene's room.
As he got there he closed the door from behind, he layed on his bed, he was way to tired and stressed from what happened a while ago, it was terrifying and he knew that he had gotten a life-time trauma, but he didnt wanted to dicuss it with anybody because it was his birthday, he gotta be happy, he tried not to think about it that much , not wanting to ruin his mood he took out his headphones and started listening to music, he had to forget what had happened, there was no way all that was true, he wanted to believe that all that was just a dream, but in reality even dreams aren't this horrifying
Gene was sitting in silence as she waited for her best friend, but she was also somewhat worried, about everything, haley being missing, an unexpected meteor, a weird stone, what was going on, in this world? She snapped out of her thoughts as she heard a lound knock on the door, she immeadiatly got up from her seat, she already knew who it was, and there she was looking at her best friend being at the front door
"Hey girl how is it hanging?" Liz said looking excited as her usual self
"Hey! Come inside. I was waiting for you for hella long" gene said as they both walked inside the house
"So where is sly? I have to wish him happy birthday" liz said holding her gift for him in her hand
"I think he should be in our room" gene said
Liz: ok then lets go
They both made their way to the bedroom where sly was sitting still horrified from previous events, even tough he tried forgetting it as much as he could,gene and liz knocked at the door serval times before barging into the room
"Hey bro i know you angry, but before you say anything, i must tell you that, we knocked, yeah we knocked serval times" gene said stopping him before he could rant about manners
"Yeah she right, we knocked, its not our fault you had your headphones in and couldn't hear us" liz said agreeing with gene as they both teased him
"Well anyways, happy birthday sly!, here is your gift" sly took the gift, it was the new edition of the game he loved playing, sly couldnt help but smile
"Thanks! I really appreciate it....but how did know that i play this game?"
"Well, your sister can really be useful at times like this" liz said
"Hey! Whats that supposed to mean?"gene said looking at liz, and they all started laughing
After sometimes it was time to cut the cake, everybody had fun and they played a lots of game, sly was enjoying, ignoring what happened when he was coming home from school, gene and liz also had so much fun
"Sweethearts, i think you all should go have fun on your own now" gene and sly's mother said
"Yeah mom we were just going"sly said as he gestured gene and liz to go to the bedroom
They all went to gene and sly's bedroom, they played monopoly for sometime and then started chit chatting about random things, everything was just fine until liz got a phone call from one of her classmates
"Oh wait a minute guys, i gotta take this real quick"liz said picking up her phone
As she took the call, everything went silent, gene and sly were not that much of a talker, liz went with some "huh" and "yeah" at the beggining of the call but then came a time where she fell speechless, she wasn't saying anything as if she had heard something surprising or bad, she even looked terrified as gene noticed that liz got goosebumps for some reason, gene, at that point knew that something was definetly wrong and she was in for a surprising news.
As liz hung up on her phone she looked at gene, sly also sensed that something was wrong and  the fact that it was, gene looked at her with concern in  her eyes
"What is it liz?" Gene said looking somewhat serious, she wasn't in the mood for joking, not at this time
"I-its haley she......she is dead....."liz said horrified, she was on a verge of breakdown, even tough those two were not that close, there were a few moments when they had a friendly conversation.
"SHE IS WHAT?! DEAD? HOW?" Gene said, almost not believing what she had just heard
"S- she was foumd dead in the woods, A lady found her body, apparently she was on a walk when she came across it and, terrified she quickly called the police. The police are now confused who or what has killed her, it didn't look like a murder or suicide, it was something completely else, l- like a wild animal has tore her into pieces"
"What?! How is that possible, i dont think there are any wild animals in the forest, not in this one as it is so close to our town, that is strange"
"I dont know, even the police arent so sure about it, they say that they also found a strange fluid type material all over her dead body parts, like the salavia of something, which is now on its way to be researched"
"Oh........that's sad and terrifying, how could something like this happen?...and honestly i dont even know what to say now"
While gene and liz talked about it, shocked and scared, sly was just sitting there, silence ringing on his head, it was like that everything he had heard just now isn't real, or maybe he didn't want for any of this to be real, he knows what had killed her, he knows that something terrible is happening in this town,he doesnt want anyone to know about this, but the situation is getting worse, he need to tell someone about this, someone whom he can trust, and then he finnaly decided that he would tell gene about this, after all she is the only one who will somewhat believe him.

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