Chapter 5 - Headlights

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" There are friendships imprinted in our hearts that will never be diminished by time and distance. " - Dodinsky

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Tossing my phone beside the bed atop of the nightstand, I practically facepalm. My best friend could very well possibly be deceased. My ex, who just bluntly slapped me yesterday, is on his way to save me, and the world is basically ending.

Damn, things just love biting me in the ass don't it? Pushing myself up off the bed, I reach for the knife and chuckle. I pondered on if these creatures-well, zombies could even be dealt with.

If they could, you'd figure the governments involvement would be swift. Not for them to do whatever the fuck they are now. Well, I guess it could just be a ruse. Maybe a typical leave and come back to save the day?

"Or.. maybe they might just nuke the fucking state." Finding my voice, I wondered aloud while tapping my finger lightly against my chin before standing fully.

The pounding at the door seemingly as if listening in like a drunk college student stopped. Almost as if they were listening the entire time as a whole. Raising my eyebrows, I start to approach the door in question, raising my weapon up with shaky hands.

Begrudgingly, upon reaching the door, I place both hands on either side of it while still tightly clutching the blade. My face leaned close to the peep hole on the door once again.

I leaned in close and closed one eye as I looked. I quickly realized that whatever or whoever it was outside of my door was gone. I moved away from the door as I let out a quick exhale from a breath I felt as though I held for far too long.

What only seemed to remain was the trail of blood leading towards the right side of the building. I didn't hear screams, I didn't quite hear much of anything at all. Other than the obvious sounds of someone's car alarms going off in the distance.

Glancing between the door and the makeshift barricade I had made prior in my last ditch effort of safety, I began to pace. My hands ran through my hair in both sheer habit and anxiety.

It couldn't possibly be Alex behind it, could it? His dorm was across campus. It wouldn't have made any sense of him arriving so suddenly. But that just leaves another question entirely.

Who caused it to leave? Was it safe to check? I mentally braced myself before glancing again, not once but twice. In a desperate attempt to soothe my mind of the reality before huffing.

My hands steadied as I put the knife back down on the stand beside the door, I began to do one of my most stupidest decisions yet. Grabbing the desk with both of my hands, I heave the heavy piece of furniture away from the door as silently as I could muster.

The scraping of wood against hardwood only made me cringe upon doing such, but it didn't stop my attempts until it was out of my way enough to crack the door for a peep.

Undoing the deadbolt as well as the main locks, I keep my hand on the doorknob before placing my ear against the solid frame listening. I was wondering if I would hear anything at this point, other than my own pounding heart.

Caving, I creak open the door just enough to glance around. The hallway on either side was indeed desolate. If a pin drops, it would echo. My mind cringes at the thought, as my eyes follow the trail to see it follow its way down the path to the stairwell.

Not hearing anything else, I quickly close the door and make my way back to the window. Pulling the curtains to the side, I glance out as my knuckles turn white, gripping them so harshly.

What I saw was a once flooded street, now emptied with a red pickup truck sat idling in the middle of the carnage. My eyes come upon the man standing beside it.

The tall, well-built man turns, seemingly seeing me before raising his arm and pointing at me. I quickly rush to close the curtains before glancing any further and move back to my bed.

I know many things in this moment of time. I know for one, I do not know this person. For the second thing, is that I hear him coming inside.


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