part 4

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The Shadow of Power

Part 4: Betrayal's Sting

Arifa's eyes scanned the letter, his mind racing with suspicion. Who dared threaten him? He summoned his most trusted advisors.

"Find the traitor," Arifa ordered, his voice cold. "I want names."

His advisors scattered, tasked with uncovering the mole. Arifa's thoughts turned to Zaraw. Was this a test of loyalty?

In Eliana's Realm, Lyra navigated Zaraw's network, adopting the persona of a rogue spy. She gathered intel, feeding it to Eliana's agents.

Eliana pored over the reports, her strategy unfolding. "We must strike before Werza Kingdom declares war."

Lord Thomas nodded. "Our armies are prepared."

But Eliana hesitated. "We need proof of Zaraw's involvement. Without it, our alliance will crumble."

Zaraw watched, amused. Eliana's caution would be her downfall.

As Arifa's search for the traitor intensified, tensions within Werza Kingdom escalated. Nobles whispered among themselves, suspicion festering.

Arifa's sister, Princess Lirien, approached him. "Brother, beware Zaraw's influence. He manipulates you."

Arifa's expression darkened. "You dare question my judgment?"

Lirien stood firm. "I fear for our kingdom's future."

Arifa's anger boiled over. "Guards, take her to her chambers. She will not interfere."

Lirien's eyes flashed defiance as she was dragged away.

That night, Lyra infiltrated Zaraw's stronghold, seeking concrete evidence. She crept past guards, avoiding detection.

Zaraw awaited her, a smile spreading across his face. "Welcome, Lyra. I've been expecting you."

Lyra drew her dagger. "You're a hard man to find."

Zaraw chuckled. "Not hard enough, it seems."

Their blades clashed, the outcome hanging in the balance.

To be continued...

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