What If: His Proposal (Part 2/2)

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Y/N walked into the Dauntless dining hall, feeling the weight of a dozen curious stares, the same black choker sitting snugly around her neck. The chatter had started the moment she stepped into the room. Whispers followed her every move. It wasn't just the fact that she wore a choker—it was the choker.

The same one everyone saw Eric holding yesterday.

She kept her expression calm, as if she didn't notice the sea of glances tracking her, but she knew this wasn't going to blow over quietly. Especially not with Christina around.

As soon as Y/N sat down at her usual table, Christina slid in beside her, a mischievous grin plastered on her face. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

Y/N didn't even look at her, continuing to eat calmly. "Not now, Christina."

But it was too late. Christina was relentless, her eyes locked on the choker. "You know, I think I saw that exact same piece of jewelry in Eric's hand yesterday. But now it's on your neck... Interesting."

Across the table, Four and Tris sat down, exchanging glances. Four, always one to observe quietly, raised an eyebrow but said nothing, while Tris looked like she was suppressing a smile.

"I'm guessing this wasn't just a casual gift," Tris added, leaning in slightly.

Before Y/N could respond, Christina gasped dramatically. "Wait, does this make Eric your... Prince Charming? I mean, it's either that or he's your personal white knight."

Y/N snorted, her expression still impassive but clearly amused. "Eric? A Prince Charming? You're delusional."

Four chuckled softly. "Yeah, not exactly a knight in shining armor."

But Christina wasn't letting it go. "Oh, come on. You know he's all over you. And now with this choker? Please, tell me he didn't kneel down to put it on you."

Y/N rolled her eyes, glancing at Eric across the room, who was currently leaning against the wall, observing the crowd with his usual cold indifference. "Eric doesn't kneel for anyone."

Tris leaned forward, smirking. "So, what's the deal? Are you two official now? Or is he just marking his territory?"

Y/N's lips twitched into a smirk. "Let's just say... things are complicated."

Before Christina could fire off another comment, the shadow of a figure loomed over the table. Eric, towering as always, stood behind them, his icy gaze sweeping over the group with thinly veiled irritation.

His eyes landed on the choker around Y/N's neck, and he smirked—his usual dark, amused expression. "Something you all want to share?"

Christina grinned, entirely undeterred. "Oh, nothing. Just talking about how you're Y/N's very own Prince Charming."

Eric's smirk didn't falter, but there was a sharpness to his gaze. "You're funny, Christina. Hilarious, really."

But Christina wasn't done. "You know, you could've gone with something a little more traditional. Maybe a crown? Or do you think you're more of the dark knight type?"

Four snorted quietly, clearly amused but smart enough to stay out of it. Tris, on the other hand, couldn't resist. "Yeah, Eric. A choker seems a bit... possessive, don't you think?"

Y/N, trying to keep herself from rolling her eyes, leaned back in her seat. "He doesn't do possessive. He does control."

Eric's gaze flicked to her, his smirk deepening. "Exactly."

Christina's grin widened, clearly enjoying this too much. "So, what's next? Is he gonna ride in on a white horse and sweep you off your feet?"

Eric, without missing a beat, leaned down closer to Y/N, his voice low and smooth. "Don't worry, I don't do horses. Or sweeping."

Y/N smirked, turning to face him. "You barely do compliments."

Eric's hand moved to rest on the back of her chair, his fingers brushing lightly against her shoulder. "You're not the type that needs them."

Christina was practically glowing with amusement now. "Oh my god, this is better than any Dauntless initiation challenge. Who knew Eric had such a soft spot?"

Eric's gaze turned deadly as he glanced at Christina, though his smirk remained intact. "You're pushing it."

Four, sensing things might be escalating, held up a hand. "Alright, alright. Let's not get anyone thrown off a roof today."

But Christina wasn't done teasing. "No promises. I mean, you should've seen the way he looked at you yesterday, Y/N. It was like watching a wolf claim his prey."

Y/N leaned forward, resting her chin on her hand, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Careful, Christina. You're starting to sound jealous."

Eric chuckled softly, clearly enjoying how unbothered Y/N was. "She's right, though," he added, his voice smooth and confident. "I don't do half-measures."

Tris, still watching with amusement, leaned in. "So, what happens if someone tries to steal your 'princess,' Eric?"

Eric's smirk widened into something darker, more dangerous. "They won't. Not if they know what's good for them."

Christina fake-gasped, dramatically clutching her chest. "Oh no, the dark knight has spoken. Better stay clear, everyone."

Y/N finally stood up, her patience wearing thin. She glanced at Eric, then back at Christina and the others. "I don't need a knight. I can handle myself."

Eric straightened, his gaze steady on her. "But it's more fun when I do it."

Y/N rolled her eyes, but there was a small smile playing on her lips as she turned to leave. "You're insufferable."

As Y/N and Eric began walking away, Christina called out after them, "Don't worry, Princess! We'll be here for the wedding!"

Y/N shot a look back at Christina, raising an eyebrow. "You'll be the first on the guest list, I'm sure."

Four and Tris both chuckled as Christina grinned and gave them a thumbs-up. Eric, walking beside Y/N, leaned in just enough for her to hear.

"You've got quite the crowd," he said dryly.

Y/N shook her head, amusement still dancing in her eyes. "And you've got quite the reputation to live up to... Prince Charming."

Eric's smirk returned, dark and amused as ever. "Careful. You might start believing it."

Y/N glanced at him, her expression unphased. "Not in this lifetime."

As they continued down the hall, the teasing still lingered in the air, but there was something undeniable in the way Eric's hand briefly rested on her lower back—a silent, possessive gesture that only she noticed. And while they both pretended not to care about the rumors, there was a strange satisfaction in the way they played along, knowing full well that no one truly understood the depth of what they had.

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