~| Chapter One: Unberable Past |~

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'No, not again.'

I thought to myself, sitting on a park bench, tears and mascara, streaming down my face. I picked up my phone, pressing the power button to turn on the screen, and read the time.

"10:43 pm.. he should have been here two hours ago. Why aren't you answering me, I called you ten times.."

I mumbled to myself, exhaling a shaky breath as I sat back on the metal bench. My makeup stained tears had fallen on my new white dress shirt I had bought just for this night. I didn't even care anymore.

Gabriel was never one to be late for anything, even planned date nights. He hated being late for anything, or just things being late in general. Did he.. Did he stand me up? 'No,' I physically shook my head. 'he would never do that. He is too kind and pure for that.' My body still shook at that thought.

My mind began to drift off to our friends, Susie, Cassidy, Fritz, and Jeremy, after we had all started high-school, each one of them began to slowly disappear, like vanishing off of the face of the earth in that exact order. Gabriel was the most distraught when his sister disappeared. He had completely lost himself and only had me, Fritz, and Jeremy with him through that hard time, but now they were gone too, and now Gabriel was late for our date...

I lifted my head from the metal bars of the bench to look around, hoping to get a glimpse of even just a smidge of him, of his curly, black, shoulder length hair that he always kept in a ponytail. I always love playing with it. His grayish-blue eyes that shone brightly wherever he went, and that's why it became my second favorite color. His dark, brown skin that was as rich as the soil itself. He was pretty attractive for only 16, but then again, he always said the same thing about me.

When I still saw no sign of him, my heart felt heavy. It was pathetic, I looked pathetic. Then the sound of footsteps rang in my ears to the right of me, I looked up, hope practically beaming from my eyes as I prayed it was finally him. But I froze when I saw the unexpected sight of Mrs. Wingln, Gabriel's and Cassidy's mother. She was always a kind, respectable woman. She was even like a second mother figure to me. I stood from the bench as she ran beside me, her cheeks were covered in tears, and her eyes were red and puffy as if she had been crying for hours. I wanted to cry all over again just looking at this poor woman.

"Have you seen Gab?!"

She asked with a sob. I felt my heart drop

"N-No ma'am. I haven't seen him since school let out at 2:30. Me and him were supposed to meet up here for a date at 8:30."

I answered back, trying to keep my emotions in check at seeing how completely distraught Mrs. Wingln was. She pulled me into an embrace, her arms wrapped tightly around my body and her head buried within my hair.

"We haven't seen him at home yet! The last time we saw him was this morning when he left for school..!"

She sobbed again, hugging me tightly. It felt like as if my heart had stopped pumping in my chest, my body began trembling in Mrs. Wingln's arms.

"Have you called the authorities?!"

I asked.

"I called them around four o'clock.. we haven't heard anything from them all day until twenty minutes ago... They haven't found him..!"

She cried out, holding me close to her like I'd dissappear under her hold. As I buried myself into her like a protective pillow. I couldn't stop the tears that flooded down my face. We began to bawl in each other's arms. Then I heard the mumbling of my name in my head, it wasn't Mrs. Wingln though. And it got louder each time.




I jolted up at the last one, I say up, a sobful scream leaving my lips. After I had calmed down, I looked around. I was in my room, it has been three years since that night.. The night my boyfriend disappeared.

"Not again.. damn it."

I cursed silently to myself, rubbing the tears from my eyes. I looked beside me when I felt a hand on my shoulder to see my sister, who was about six years younger than me. She looked at me with a concerned look on her face. Her name is Annabelle.

"Are you ok? Mom told me to come wake you, and I found you in here crying.."

She said, pausing before speaking again.

"Was it the same nightmare again? About Gab?"

I sighed, nodding my head as I rubbed my forehead. The dreams were happening more frequently now more than ever. I've lost sleep thanks to it. Annabelle hugged me, I personally didn't like hugs, but I knew she was trying to comfort me, and I knew if I pushed her away, she would whine and bother me till I gave in, so I reluctantly hugged her back.

When we pulled away, she had an excited, mischievous grin on her face.

"Guess what?"

"What?" I retorted, holding back the urge to roll my eyes.

"Mom said you're taking me to Freddy's!"

She squealed. She looked like a kid on Christmas.

My heart sank. If the expression 'scowl' was a face, my face is what it'd look like.

"You know how I feel about that place. I haven't been there since Gab went missing. It... It makes me get emotional."

I hissed lightly, getting up from my bed and stretching a bit.

"But mom says you need to get over it!"

My sister huffed with a pout. She always was an ungrateful brat. And it didn't help that she was treated like a special little princess.

"It's been three years! And they haven't found any of yout friends. All we do is pray that they made it to heaven or whatever it's called. You know Mom and Dad are suuuper busy to take me because of work and your current unemployed-"

"I'm working on that."

I cut her off with a huff of annoyance. As I turned to her. To which she replied by sticking out her tongue.

"Why do you even want to go? Wouldn't you rather hang out with your friends?"

"My friends will be there too! And I have my own money so you don't have to worry about buying me anything."

She huffed with pride as if it was her own hard earned money. It wasn't. It was mom's.

"Nuh-uh. I'm talking to mom."

I shot back, leaving my room before my sister could whine in retaliation.
I went down the hallway, going downstairs, ignoring the delicious fresh smell of breakfast. I may be 19 living in my parents' house, but I am not about to be pushed around by a 13 year old who can't even go five seconds without running into a wall or something. With glasses.


Wowwie first chapter is officially out! I hope you do enjoy future chapters!! :D

~1226 words

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