The mid wife part 2

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Ritha pants and groans while her husband holds her hand nervous as she was in labor as the girls, jayla, Sherry and Big Mama gather around her while Jermaine stands in the corner nervous on what's going on this has never happened in his life before.

"Ok so before I got here what was Big Mama doing" jayla asked looking at the others as she sits down beside Big Mama.

"Well big Mama was screaming saying it calms the spirit so we all screamed together before Jermaine called you"Sherry explains as jayla gives Malcolm/big momma a deadpanned look who nervously smiles.

''see it's worked it's not like I don't know what I'm doing "Malcolm says as they were shown on the TV before there partner John was shown watching all this.

"Take it easy I've called the paramedics and all you two have to do is just stall and you two get out of the way when they get there okay "he says into there ear pieces as Malcolm and jayla sigh almost with relief.

"All right okay excuse me let's close these ok you don't want your business waving all in the air "Malcolm/big momma says as he closes rihtas legs only for them to open back up as ritha groans in pain opening them back up.

"Oh no no!"ritha groans in pain opening her legs back up breathing hard and sweating.

"I said close em!"Malcolm/big momma says as he closed her legs again.

Ritha opens her legs back up with a glare "they don't close!"she growls as jayla's eyes widen never will she ever mess with a pregnant woman.

"Well then... maybe thats how you got this way in the first place!"Malcolm/big momma says.

"Now now let's all just stay calm"jayla says placing a hand on his shoulders giving him a slight warning just before the door was opened by a dark skinned man in a paramedic outfit with short black hair on top of his head.

"Where is she"the man asked walking over as the door closed.

"You scream sweetie"sherry says trying to keep ritha calm as big momma/ Malcolm turns to the man as he stands sup.

"Oh thank God you're here! Listen child now you what the paramedics say okay big momma gonna be in the kitchen baking up a storm "big momma/Malcolm says to ritah.

"Baking?"ritha says confused breathing hard.

"Paramedic? Nolan is a security the lumber yard"Lena says as big momma/ Malcolm sits back down as he and jayla share looks it looks like they will be delivering this baby after all.

"Head security guard all right I got two men and three dogs working under me how are you doing I'm Nolan rihtas brother"Nolan says before turning to sherry and jayla as he says the last part to them.

Jayla puts on a fake smile "hello Nolan"she says.

"Great"Sherry says with a fake smile as well as they shook hands.

"Wait paramedics is something wrong"ritha asked worried thinking something is wrong with the baby.

"No ritha everything is fine"jayla reassures her as she trys to keep her calm knowing stress won't be good for the baby as everyone trys to keep her calm right now.

"Damn it I knew it I told you this senile old has was getting to old for this "Nolan says.

"Hey how about you do something useful instead of being an idiot "Jeremiah snaps as jayla raised an eyebrow as she holds back a smile.

Big momma/ Malcolm stands up with a glare" who's senile who the hell you calling senile you want to take this outside"he says pointing at the door.

"Look I took CPR it can't be much harder then that"Nolan says as he then holds up a flashlight turning it on as he froze his eyes widening"damn that's a baby!"he says.

"Okay enough you completely a idiot CPR and delivery a baby are two coming different damn things moron"jayla snaps rolling her eyes.

Sherry glares at Nolan he was helping the situation"will you shut up please big momma can handle this not get out of here!"she snaps.

Big momma/ Malcolm turns to ritah "big momma's here darling don't worry about nothing okay now Nolan gets your chunky ass in gear and find me some hot water, Lena I need towels lots of towels jayla go get a blanket we're gonna need something to wrap the baby in okay and someone get me some lard preferably Crisco we got a baby about to slide in into the world"he says as everyone slept up and told what they were told to do jayla looks around before finding a blanket folded on the couch as she rushed back over before sitting back down before ritha had grabbed hers and big momma/Malcolms hand squeezing hard. 

"Hold my hand hold my hand. Hold my hand!"she says in pain as she squeezes their hands tightly as they grow their teeth in pain as Lena runs back in with some towels as they reassure ritah she's doing good before jayla gets her hand back as she shakes the pain out of it.

Sherry then comes over with a large thing of Crisco as big momma/Malcolm takes it as ritha looked confused as her forehead was being oat on to clean off the sweat "what they need Crisco for"she asked breathing heavily.

"They use Crisco for everything down here"John says from the other house as he watches all this in disbelief.

Ritha groans in pain having trouble breathing just as Nolan then rushed in holding a pot of it water holding a turkey baster with over mints on wearing a home made mask out of a coffee filter 

Sherry looks at him in disbelief "what the hell are are you doing"she asked as he squirts some water out of the turkey baster as big momma/Malcolm used everything around him.

"Come on Big Mama I saw this in a movie once "Nolan says as big momma/Malcolm used the turkey baster squirting the hot water where the baby will come through before Nolan hands over a set of tongs.

"What the hell" jayla asked in disbelief.

"Big momma I think you should sterilize that is that sterilized" sherry asked nervous as big momma/ Malcolm was working.

Nolan pulls down the mask "oh yeah I used wd-40 and some easy off on it!"he says.

Ritha groans and throws her hands around" big momma we not frying chicken!"she groans just as Nolan grabs a plunger as she snatched it before throwing it away.

"Here we go"sherry says before they were all screaming as ritha pushed hard while holding on to Leah and twila by there head and hair as they continue to scream before ritha footed flip flops get into nolans mouth before he shoves her foot down spitting out the flip flops.

"Oh look it's a head!"sherry says.

"Come on ritah your almost there"jayla says before they all start screaming again as ritha continue to push as big momma/Malcolm looked like he was going to be sick before putting the mittens on as he dives in before a baby was heard crying as a new life was brought into this world as the baby was wrapped up in a small blanket all of them were smiling at the new born baby girl as she crys.

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