🌌 - I know that you hate this place (honey we should runaway)

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Set in the teenage dirtbag AU! :D

(Am I projecting knee pain on Tommy? Yes, yes I am) Title is taken from "To be alone" by Hozier. Love that guy's music <3

They were originally supposed to kiss, but then you guys wanted the angst. Congrats guys, ye did this to yerselves.

TW: insults, a bunch of stuff mentioned related to murder/death, swearing, mentions of Shawny's shitty parents, bittersweet/kinda angsty ending, and one line mentioning wanting to vomit.

(Also! Should note that I've kinda implied that Tommy is Aro spec here. I'm just projecting atp <- is AroAce spec)


A thud could be heard outside of his slightly open window, sounding as if something had fallen. Assuming it was another stray going through the garden, Tommy paid no mind to it and turned over in his bed, attempting to go back to sleep, hopefully some time soon.

It sadly was not a stray. How did he know? Because the window loudly creaked open –pretty much a built in alarm, the house was pretty old– and something that sounded much bigger than an animal dropped into his room.

Well, he's dead. Let it be known that he wants all his stuff either thrown away or given to someone he knew when he was alive.

"Morning Tommy!" A overly cheerful and familiar voice greets, as if knowing that he was in fact, not asleep like most would be. Actually, Tommy would much rather prefer the murderer right about now, thank you very much. He'd at least get to rest that way.

"It's midnight, go away Shawn." Tommy complains with a groan, pulling his duvet around himself, trying to hide under it so that maybe Shawny would take the hint and leave. Who even wakes people up at this god forsaken hour anyways?

Shawny apparently, but he's always been a bit of an odd one, so maybe Tommy should have expected this ages ago. Wouldn't be the first time he'd underestimated the guy, and it probably wouldn't be the last. Expect the unexpected and all that.

"There's no fun in that though." Shawny replies, trying –and miserably failing– to argue his case. Lucky for him, Tommy has always had a soft spot for the dumbass, and at least whatever Shawny had planned would be better than staring at the ceiling for the next hour or so, unless of course, that was exactly what he had planned. It wouldn't be the first time he had planned that.

With a groan, Tommy untangles himself from the duvet, looking over at Shawny as he sits up, letting the duvet fall unceremoniously in a bunch onto his bed as he did so. 

The second his feet made contact with the ground, a familiar, but unexpected, spike of pain shot through his leg, the worst coming from his knee. 'Damn it. Why's it back now of all times?' Tommy thought to himself, a grimace showing on his face.

He shook away the look of concern Shawny have him and stood up, swaying for a moment before straightening up, trying to not focus on the pain in his knee, the more he thought about it, the worse it'd get.

"Aight, what did you want?" Tommy asked, giving Shawny a playful glare, as if he was still mad about "being woken up" by him. Well, maybe he was a little bit, but you can't hold that against him, anyone would be.

"Do you want to go for a drive?" Was the awaited answer. Tommy's eye twitched. 'This bit-' he thought before getting interrupted by Shawny speaking once more. "And no, it can't wait till the morning." He added, as if that would stop Tommy from trying to strangle him for what was probably the dumbest idea the idiot had ever had.

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