Chapter 36: It's A Magical Place

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It was a smaller airfield, out of the way of the public eye and therefore the perfect place for the Avengers quinjet to set down. It also helped that Tony had been able to pay for the privilege of using it while ensuring that their presence wasn't going to be widely publicised.

Thus, apart from a few workers off in the distance, the quinjet was met by a single person, his blue-grey cloak flapping in the breeze kicked up by the landing craft. Almost as soon as the engines had cut off, the rear ramp lowered.

Tony was standing front and centre, wearing his usual jeans, Black Sabbath t-shirt and a sports coat. In his hand, he carried a familiar-looking red and gold case. Beside him was Clint, a long duffle slung over his shoulder and a broad grin on his face. Flanking the two were a pair that Harry had not been expecting – Matt, his cane clutched vertically in both hands, his head cocked slightly as he obviously took in his surroundings using his other senses; and Peter, bouncing slightly on the balls of his feet, his head craning every which way as if trying to see everything at once.

Harry stepped forward, a broad grin on his face.

"Thanks, for coming, guys," he said, shaking first Tony's hand and then Clint's.

"Our pleasure," Clint replied.

"Hope you don't mind us bringing the new recruits," Tony said, jerking a thumb at Matt and Peter. "Capsicle and Nat are on some deep secret assignment for S.H.I.E.L.D., I could find out what it is, but I just couldn't be bothered. And Bruce had some kind of family emergency. Something about a phone call from his uncle. "

"It's not a problem at all.," Harry replied. "Thanks for coming, Peter, Matt."

It was as he was greeting the two men that Harry noticed movement on the quinjet's ramp behind them. a shadowy figure was hesitantly coming into view.

"Doreen?" Hary asked surprised.

The girl shot Harry a nervous smile and a small wave.

"Hi, Harry. Hope it's okay that I tagged along?" she said uncertainly.

Harry shot Tony a look, but the billionaire simply shrugged.

"She heard and tried to sneak aboard. Who was I to say no?" he said.

Harry gave the man an exasperated look before smiling at the girl.

"It's good to see you, Doreen, but I thought that you'd still be in school," Harry said.

"Hey!" Doreen shot back. "Peter's skipping school, too. And I can help, you'll see."

"She's got the makings of a fine Avenger," Clint remarked.

"Well, the more the merrier," Harry said, hiding his misgivings.

"Besides, if you and Point Break could handle an alien invasion by yourselves, then I'd think a handful of aliens would be a piece of cake," Tony remarked, "especially against all of us."

"Some aliens combined with some wizards," Harry corrected. "But I'll go through all that with you when we get home."

"Home?" Peter perked up. "Are we staying at your place? Is it magical? Are we gonna get to see all kinds of strange things that'll turn us into frogs if we're not careful?"

Harry gave them a lop-sided grin. "Something like that."

Then, after pulling out a piece of rope from his pocket, he flicked it out.

"Everyone grab hold, take a deep breath and try not to throw up when we get there," he said.


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