Chapter 13: Got A Suit?

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"You know, seeing it on TV is one thing, but seeing it with my own eyes ..." Hermione trailed off, shaking her head.

Currently, she and Harry were standing at the edge of the roof above Harry's apartment looking down on the destruction. Even though the battle had happened a few days ago, the clean-up crew was still working away at the edges. From what little they could see, it seemed that something big, most likely a bulldozer, had pushed their way through towards the centre of the area, leaving huge piles of cars, masonry and other debris piled up on the side of the road. Their best guess was that that way, emergency services to make it in to any trapped or injured people still in the zone.

"I still can't believe that it survived intact," Harry happily said, not for the first time since the two had arrived there.

After leaving the trial and the building that housed the Magical Congress of the United States, the pair had managed to slip away from Harry's lawyer, Matt, into an abandoned alley. Then, after secreting themselves behind a convenient dumpster, had apparated home or at least to the roof of Harry's home.

"Some of the glass panes look a little singed in that corner, though, so it may have only taken a glancing shot at worst," Harry continued as he examined his greenhouse in minute detail.

"Come on, Harry, let's get inside," Hermione said, having finally turned away from the mesmerising view of what was left of the city.

Giving a nod, he crossed to the door and gave it a tap with his wand, magically unsealing it before the two were able to enter the stairwell. Instead of stopping in his apartment, though, Harry led the way down to the Den, after all, the last time that he'd seen it, it had been filled with a whole bunch of people. And while said people were heroes, that didn't mean that Harry trusted them to lock up after themselves or even to clean up the mess that they'd made.

The sight of the café looking the way that it was supposed to, threw him at first. The two tables that had been pushed together for the Avengers were back in their places, their chairs neatly placed around them. Not a dirty dish or cup was to be seen anywhere. His eagle eye could even tell that the lock on the door had been engaged.

Leaving Hermione behind, Harry strode across the room and pushed open the nearest swinging door to the kitchen. Just like the main section of the café, in here was in pristine condition as well. Every pot, every pan, every cup and plate and utensil had been washed and put away. The benches had even been wiped down.

Harry had no idea who'd done it all, but he was incredibly grateful to said unknown person. They'd just saved him hours of work; the very thought of having to clean some of those pans after them being left to sit for days had been enough to give him nightmares.

"Harry?" Hermione called. "I think these are for you."

Instantly, Harry backed out of the doorway and crossed to where Hermione was examining a small pile of notes in her hand.

"They were on the bench," she said, handing them over.

Had my people tidy up the joint for you. We'll be in touch. Fury.

"Well, that explains that," Harry murmured as he shuffled the first note to the back.

Party. My place. 7pm. The day after you get released from prison. Don't worry, I'll know when. Bring a guest, if you want. And your lawyer. Tony.

"Huh," Harry grunted. "Want to go to a party at Stark Tower?"

Hermione beamed at him. "And get a chance to meet some superheroes? Try and keep me away."

The last note answered a question that had been bugging Harry since the aurors had arrived to arrest him.

Harry, I've put your cloak in the bottom cupboard on the very left in the kitchen. Figured you wouldn't want it left out for others to see. Steve.

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