𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝟯𝟮. 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘳𝘶𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘴 𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦

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George and I had walked into class a few minutes late, walking to the back where our seats our. The professor had his back to us as he wrote on the white board at the front of the classroom.

"Punctuality doesn't seem to be your strong suit does it Mr Weasley?" The teacher called out.

George, grimaced as he'd been caught. I took my seat next to Alicia, George taking his next to Fred who was in front of us.

"Sorry professor." George muttered as he got out his books. I too got my things out, laying them on the table.

"And I see you've decided to join sixth year a bit late Miss Lestrange." He continued. Quiet whispers came at the mention of that name. How did he know about that without having met me yet?

"Miss Black." I corrected him, opening my book. I read the name he had written on the board. Professor Moody. But something was off about him. He kept twitching, reminding me of something that I couldn't quite pin point. And kept taking swigs from his flask.

He grumbled slightly before glancing around. "Can anyone tell me what a forbidden curse means?" He hummed before picking on a girl in Ravenclaw.

"The spells that the ministry have forbidden. They're illegal to use."

"Excellent... and what is the first of these curses?" He hummed and pointed at Fred. "Mr Weasley. Either one of you."

"There's the Imperios curse." Fred spoke, looking up from his doodles in his book.

The professor had scooped up a creature and laid it on the work desk at the front of the classroom. "Yes, the Imperio curse grants the spell caster control over the victims mind... like so." He started before muttering. "Imperio."

Moody moved his wand upwards, lifting the spider looking creature before moving him around the classroom. "I could... make him fly. I could make him swim... I could make him jump out of the window." He said, pausing when he got to the window. The creature struggled against the magic, relaxing just about when he was put back on the table at the front.

"Now Miss Black perhaps you could tell us about the second curse seeing it was in fact your mother's favourite. Am I correct?"

I looked up at the professor in disbelief, heads slowly turning to look at me. George and Fred had turned slightly. I couldn't bear to look at Fred but glanced at George who was looking at me as if disgusted too by what the professor had said. Alicia had grabbed hold of my hand at this point and I leaned further back in my seat.

"The cruciatus curse." I started. "The spell caster can use it to inflict excruciating pain on their victims."

"Very good Miss Black." The professor paused before standing tall as he continued. "Miss Black could you please demonstrate the spell."

My eyes widened in disbelief. "You what?"

Audible gasps and whispers could be heard filling the classroom as students became shocked at the professor's suggestions.

"Demonstrate for your classmates."

"You're having a laugh- surely." I blinked a few times. "The cruciatus curse is illegal for a reason."

"This is strictly for educational purposes."

"I will be doing no such thing." I scoffed.

The professor paused, approaching me.

"Miss Black if you wish to pass my class you will demonstrate to the class." The professor said through teeth.

"Then I guess i'll be failing this class professor." I said standing my ground.

"It's funny Miss Black. For a pupil with a parent so head strong on torture I would've expected more from you."

My eyes narrowed to glare as I picked up my books. "Fuck off." I muttered.

The professor presses a hand to my book and I glared up at him. "I'll be seeing you in detention after school Miss Black."

I tugged my books back and lifted my head high to show I wasn't intimidated. "You can shove your detention up your ass." I smiled sarcastically before I barged past the professor and left the classroom, slamming the door behind me.

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