New bride - GoT - Khal Drogo x Reader

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(Y/n) made her way through the Dothraki camp, to her tent; ignoring, as best she could, the looks, and the calls from the Khal's men as she went. Their dark eyes eagerly undressing her, as she made her way back from doing her best to console her younger sister. The oldest surviving female dragon, knowing well what they would like to do to her if they got the chance.

She couldn't help but curse at Illyrio Mopatis, the Magister of Pentos and her brother for this. Couldn't help but hate Viserys, more than she already did, for selling their sister in return for an army to help him get back the Iron Throne, that had been taken from their line, so many years before. A course of action that (Y/n) could not help but think was anything more than suicidal; even with a Dothraki army by his side. For as far as she was concerned, Viserys was a fool; a sadistic, cruel, cowardly, pitiful fool that believed himself to be some great hero. Someone that storytellers would write about, and speak of, for generations to come. And even though, when they were all younger, she could recall a time when her brother had been so sweet, so kind and respectful; their lives of begging and doing all they could to survive on the streets of the Free Cities, had warped him. Had allowed the madness that had taken their father, to also take him. And she could not help but fear for her own future, as well as that of her sister.

Viserys had locked her in her room when Drogo had come to inspect Dany, in Pentos. Their brother always having told her that she was his; that when he took back the Iron Throne, he would wed her, keeping with Targaryen tradition, whether she wanted it, or not. It obvious that he had wanted to keep her away from the lustful eyes of the Khal, so that he chose the sister that Viserys wanted him to. Yet her brother had not been able to keep her from the Khal and his khalasar, forever. And now that they were in the camp, eyes followed her wherever she went. Even those of the Khal.

Quickly she shut the opening of the tent behind her, knowing that the material would do little to keep the men that seemed to surround her, away, if urges overtook them; but to her it was at least something. Something that separated her from them, that gave her a little privacy. (Y/n) making her way over and pouring some wine into a goblet. Happy that tonight, her brother was preoccupied with the women that she had seen making their way into his tent.

"My lady........." A voice suddenly came. (Y/n) turning to see not only an apologetic looking Ser Jorah, but also the Khal.

"Ser Jorah.......what is the meaning of this........?" She asked, as she curtsied to the large Dothraki leader that had now come to stand over her.

"My apologies, Lady (Y/n). It is just that the Khal wishes to speak with you........" The Westerosi knight told her, as Drogo took her chin in his palm and made her look at him. Her gaze turning to Jorah, as Drogo spoke.

"The Khal says that you are beautiful. Even more beautiful than your sister........" The former lord of Bear Island explained. A shiver making its way down her spine, as Drogo moved his hand from her chin, and caressed the long silver scar that ran down from her shoulder to her inner elbow.

"He asks if you have fought........." The exiled northern lord continued, as Drogo found another scar.

"You can tell the Khal that I thank him for his compliment. Though I am sure that he should be keeping such things for the woman that is to be his wife. And as far as my scars........I suppose that you could say that I have fought; but not in battles or wars like you and the Khal. I fought to protect my brother and sister while we were on the streets. You see, my brother is a useless coward, and someone had to make sure that we survived; so, the task feel to me. The man that gave me the largest scar wanted to take Dany from me, and when I would not let him, he cut me. Though that was before I took my own dagger and pushed it into his belly, over and over again until he lay in a puddle of his own blood, in the dirt.........." (Y/n) told the slightly shocked looking knight. The Khal letting out a loud laugh, as Jorah translated what she had said. The dragon sure that her body had just burst into flames, as the Khal pushed the straps of her dress from her shoulders. His lust filled eyes admiring the swell of her breasts, that were now partly uncovered. (Y/n) watching his lips, as he said something more to Jorah.

"What did he say............?" (Y/n) asked, noticing the uncomfortable look on the knight's face, as she looked between the two men. Her heart beating quicker, as Drogo loomed over her like some predatory animal that was coming in for the kill.

"You will excuse me, my lady; but he asked if you know how to please a man..........?"

"You mean he wants to know if I can fuck like one of the trained whores from the pleasure houses of Lys. Whether I have wings painted on my back, like the girls from Naathi, who work in one of the most famed pillow houses? And what if I do, Ser Jorah. What then............?"

"Then, my lady; the Khal says that he will marry you instead of your sister." (Y/n) looking to Jorah at his words. The breath leaving her body as the knight nodded, and Drogo wrapped his strong arm around her waist, before pulling her close.

"I have the Khal's word, that if I can pleasure him as he desires, he will let Dany go. That he will wed me, instead, and still give Viserys the army he desires so much........?" Drogo nodding his head as Jorah translated.

"Then may I suggest you leave the Khal and I alone, Ser Jorah. We have much to.........discuss, he and I......." The dragon told the Andal. Jorah bowing respectfully, before he turned to leave. The knight looking back for only a moment to see that the lady's dress was now on the floor, and that the Khal was carrying the woman that would be his new bride, to the bed. 

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