3: Born of Shadows and Stars

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~ Viatrice Curseheart ~

I am going to prove that I am not a curse. That my birth was not the result of a dark and twisted curse that would kill all I love. Both my first and last name mean cursed, in one way or another. Perhaps that is why I was abandoned. Perhaps that is why I don't fall in with any Guild, I just kill people or creatures when I'm paid to do so.

Currently, I am searching the Kryon Woods for a particularly nasty cross-breed of wolf and bear. The monsters are known to shred their victims, or eat them alive regardless. My shadows surround me, the soft, cold darkness making my blood pump faster. I feel ready, my adrenaline pulsing through my thrumming veins.

"There is a darkness within these woods, Umbra, and they will not hesitate to destroy you and eat you alive," the old woman had said when she had hired me.

I'd told her not to worry about me. But now, as I stalk the woods, I can't help but wish I had a Wildfire at my side out here. Maybe even a Phantasm, or Lumigloam.

I turn on my heel, facing the sound of heavy footsteps in the deepest part of the woods. The hiss of a snake fills the air, but judging that it is winter, no snakes are about. I tilt my head, listening hard.

A massive serpent with huge, bat-like wings crawls across the snowy ground, its spiky claws atop the wings digging into the snow as it crawls and slithers toward me. But it can't see me, as my shadows still engulf me. They also hide my smell, too.

The winged serpent hisses loud, tossing its brown and green scaly head back and forth, searching for prey. I smirk, inching closer to the thing, creating a shadow‐dagger. The snake thing doesn't stand a chance as I decapitate the thing with the shadowy blade.

Perhaps it was one of these things out here that the woman had been thinking of? Not a bear-wolf hybrid?

Just as the thought crosses my mind, a roar fills the night air, so loud that some of the frost atop branches fall to the ground. I look around, alert. The bear-wolf thing finally emerges forth, its mangey fur gray and brown, messy and streaked with blood and gore. It has glowing red and yellow eyes, eyes that scan the forest with predatory fury.

The beast inches closer, snarling low in its throat. It sniffs the ground, but I am already up in a nearby tree, hiding among the branches. The beast snarls as it inches closer to my tree, pawing at the bark.

It turns, sniffing the air loudly. The creature's face is a disturbing mix of wolf and bear, the long, spindly legs somehow supporting the thing's huge body. The thing's tail lashes about, and then, it turns and bolts into the woods.

I sigh and decide to follow it.

Using my shadows, I teleport from tree to tree.

Once the beast stops, I do, too. The thing sniffs the air, then the ground. It stalks forward, its claws digging into the deep snow. It's hunting something. But what? Who?

That's when I see her. She's pale, her black hair blowing in the bitter cold wind. She does not shiver, and I realize why. This girl is a Wildfire, and she doesn't even notice the beast stalking her. But the beast has definitely noticed her.

It moves slowly, nearly silently.

The monster then launches itself forward, but before it can sink its claws into the back of the poor girl Wildfire, I lash out as well. A wall of shadows bursts into existence, knocking the beast back several feet. It skids in the snow, snarling as it goes.

That's when the Wildfire turns, her eyes glowing green. She raises her hands, blasting a stream of flame right at the beast. It roars, leaping away from the flames. The snow melts beneath the monster, but the girl doesn't care as she sends another plume of flame right at the monster.

I smirk. She's intense and powerful. I wonder what her profession is. Is she an assassin, a Hunter? A guard? Obviously, a fighter of some kind.

The beast turns, facing my direction, but the girl laughs and sends another huge blast of fire that engulfs the thing. It roars, whirling around and snapping its jaws at her.

I leap down from above, driving a pair of shadow swords into the back of the monster's neck, cutting the thing's head clean off.

I fall onto the ground, leaping up and looking at the girl. She gapes at me, eyes wide as the flames in her green eyes fade. Her pale face is flushed and streaked with blood from the monster. She looks at the monster's body behind me, then back to me.

"Well, thanks for helping me, uh ...." she trails off.

"I am Viatrice," I reply. "You are extraordinary, Wildfire."

She laughs. "I'm Rhiannon, thanks for your help and your kindness. Anyways, uh .... what are you doing here?"

I nod toward the monster. "Was looking for that. I was sent to kill it."

"All alone in these woods at night? You are braver than most men I know, so of course you're a lady!" She laughs. "I am not so sure that things are going to get easier for you, in these woods. So, uh, would you like some backup?"

I tilt my head. "Why, are you offering?"

"Of course! I am a Huntress, but without a Clan. My entire Huntress Clan was destroyed, so I'm.... just searching the world for my death. But perhaps I could be convinced to come along for your ride?"

"Well, of course. I'm a killer without a Guild, so ... maybe we could work together. We made a great duo back there."

Rhiannon grins.  "Oh, yes, we did. So, where are we going, then, Miss Viatrice?"

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⏰ Last updated: 7 hours ago ⏰

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