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AN: Not sure how I feel about this, some parts felt, admittedly forced. Holds the record for least amount of memes/puns! Go, read, enjoy. Remember no minors!

This morning, I was gifted with square imprints on my face, their marks a leftover from falling asleep on my keyboard. I attempted to rub away the indents, but they stubbornly resisted, remaining on my face despite my best efforts. Sighing, I walked to the bathroom and twisted the handle in the shower. The water that spewed out of the tap smelt rusty, and had a dirty brown-red tinge to it. Lamenting my worn pipes, I shut the water off, and used the sink to freshen my face. The pattern of blocks had almost disappeared, and the redness of the area had faded. I couldn't help but rub my eyes once more, still tired from yesterday's adventure.

My stomach growled for a moment, right as Gin tapped on the bathroom door. If I was hungry, I could be certain that he was starving. I opened the door to empty space; Gin had already sprinted towards the kitchen and I could hear him rustling through the cabinets, searching for an easy meal. His claws darted through the various boxes and bags, their surfaces crinkling and rustling as he pawed at them. Finally, he found a bag of Pokéblocks and clamped them between his two talons.

The package of pink Pokéblocks smelt almost unbearably sweet, even more so when I opened the bag of them. Although sweet, the berries were still very rough, and Gin could only eat a few of them before being sated. I closed the bag and rubbed the bridge of my nose, trying to get the sickeningly sweet scent out of my mind. Already I was beginning to get a stomachache from it; how Gin could down so many of those, let alone one, was a mystery to me.

I took a seat, right there on the chair as my stomach growled once more. Gin may have been fed to satisfaction, but I doubted I could last till lunch with just a few small blocks. A box of breakfast bars blatantly sat in the cupboard the Pokéblocks had come from; I grabbed three, two for now and one for the road. Standing up and peeling open the first package, I began to rummage for my pack, tossing the empty wrapper into the garbage can while I stuffed the entirety of the oaty-granola bar into my mouth. I hardly tasted food, opting to swallow it before I choked to death on a grainy meal. Finally, I found what I was searching for in my bag, a local town map detailing all the hot spots for training.

There was a list at the bottom, separating the different spots by what they trained, be it Attack, Special Attack, Defense, Special Defense, or Speed. I skimmed the areas underneath Attack for a brief moment, and then, closing my eyes, chose one at random. It was a park, not too far from here, about 15 minutes if we walked, but that was something that I wasn't planning on doing. I rolled the map up and stuffed it into my back pocket. With the final act of throwing my backpack onto my back and kicking open the door, Gin and I set off to the park where, hopefully, we would be able to get a good day's worth of training in.

But, before we even began to leave, I had to start Gin's training, climbing onto his taunt back as if I was a Slaking clinging to his mother during the wee ages of his youth. With one hand grasping around his neck and under his arm and the other free to direct, he sprinted off; the wind whipping daggers into my eyes from the speed. The trees near us began to blur, multitudes of green shades flashing in my peripheral vision, and the forms of trainers whizzed by too, so fast it was impossible to even make eye contact. I squinted a bit, trying to decipher the signpost ahead: "Trainer Tips! No stealing Pokémon from other tr-"was all I was able to read before it too flashed past, a bit too close to comfort.

I tried to yell my instructions to Gin, but the wind ripped my voice from me; the air slicing down my throat as if trying to pop my lungs. Giving up, I tapped him on the nose with my free hand, pointing out a fork in the road. Despite me clearly pointing to the right, Gin had dashed off to the left towards an opening in the wall of trees that marked a forest. I leaned back on him, like pulling the reins in on a Ponyta, but that only served to make him stumble for a moment, then spin into a somersault, crashing both of us into a robust oak tree.

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