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1day later

Jailyn pov

"Jai is tht that Macie girl in that TikTok with you?" Lana asked me after I joined the call

"Yea" I said

"She's pretty I see why you be so nervous around her" Sasa said

"Well about thatt" I dragged


"What happened?"

"So basically them niggas locked me n her in the movie room alone for like 5 hours bro" I told them

"Oop" Lana went wide eyed

"Damn and then what happened?" Sasa asked

"We talked for a while then I found out she liked me n she found out the same..." They shook their heads n Sasa started Grinning

"So y'all together now or what?" She asked

"Let me finish girl" I chuckled "we said that we was gon wait a while before getting together" I continued

"Get you one twin!" Lana laughed as Ria joined the call

"What yall talking about?" She asked

"Jai n that girl" Sasa told her

"Oh okay I'm listening" she said

"Okay, so after we got locked in the room alone n said we liked eachother and that we was gon get tg later she said she was got give me a birthday kiss n on my birthday she gave me one" I finished

"Ouuuu look at you being grown what we tell you abt that" Sasa said

"Bruh it was just a kiss on the cheek" I smacked my lips

"Mhmm" she said


2 weeks later

"So what you wanna talk to me about?" Mira asked as she sat on my bed

"So it's this girl right" I started

"Mhm" she shook her head

"And I kinda like her n Ik she like me" Mira nodded "Soo on my birthday she kinda gave me a kiss ON THE CHEEK" I emphasized because of the look on Mira face

"Oh okay I was finna say" she laughed "but what you need my advice or sum?" She asked

"Yess I'm tryna figure out what I should do for her because yk Christmas coming up n stuff n Ik she like me but I wanna make her love me" I told her

"Yall got anything happening at yo school for Christmas like pajamas or something? Cs if so then yall can match or something but if not yall can still match outside of school if you able to see her" she told me

"So I can buy us the pajamas and she'll be happy?" I asked

"Yea she gon love that I remember when my man did that for the first time n I was weak in da kneess" she smiled

"Ewwww get on with that" I threw my pillow at her face "How I'm supposed to just know her size?" I asked

"Ask her ofc" she said

"But then she gon know I'm tryna buy her some clothes"

"You right so just make someone else ask her so she don't suspect nun" she told meet


"Girll who you talking bout anyways?" She asked me

"Dwbi" I smiled

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