Chapter 2: Unexpected Connections

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It was just another normal day in class when Sota and Heizen, notorious for their mischief, were up to their usual antics

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It was just another normal day in class when Sota and Heizen, notorious for their mischief, were up to their usual antics. They were silently tossing a crumpled paper ball back and forth, barely paying attention to the history lesson droning on. Sota, growing bored, turned his head just as Heizen launched the ball again. This time, it went off course and struck Shika on the side of her head.

Startled, Shika blinked in surprise, looking around the room to figure out what had hit her. She spotted Heizen, struggling to contain his laughter, and her annoyance flared. Without hesitation, she grabbed the paper ball and threw it back at him—except her aim was off. The ball flew right past Heizen and landed at the feet of the teacher.

The entire class froze as the teacher's face turned red with anger. "Enough!" the teacher snapped, eyes locking on Sota and Heizen. "You two—out! Director's office. Now."

Wide-eyed, Shika glanced over at the two boys as they stood from their desks, smirking despite their apparent punishment. Sota shook his head, but Heizen whispered, "Well, that escalated quickly." They made their way toward the door, showing little remorse, though they tried to look repentant.

The walk to the director's office was short, and the boys entered to find the director waiting, arms crossed, his expression stern.

"The classroom is not a playground," the director said in a cold, measured tone. "This is your first and last warning. Continue with this behavior, and there will be consequences."

Heizen, feeling the weight of the warning, nodded quickly. "Yes, sir. It won't happen again."

"You can go back to class," the director said, but his gaze then shifted to Sota. "Sota, stay behind. I need to have a word with you."

Heizen shot Sota a sympathetic look before leaving the office, the door closing softly behind him. The director's expression grew more serious as he looked at Sota.

"As captain of the football team, and as my nephew, I expect better from you," the director began. "You have a responsibility to your team and this school. Any more irresponsible behavior, and the football team may face disqualification from the upcoming tournament."

Sota clenched his fists, frustration bubbling up inside him. He wanted to protest, to say that being captain didn't mean he had to be perfect all the time, but he kept his mouth shut. Instead, he nodded silently and left the office, his thoughts racing.

"Responsibility," he muttered under his breath. "What does he know about me to say that?"


The weekend arrived, and Shika was enjoying a lazy morning at home, lounging in her pajamas and sipping tea. She had just settled down for breakfast when the doorbell rang unexpectedly.

To her surprise, it was Sota and his younger sister, Tenshi, standing at the door.

"Sota?" Shika blinked, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

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