31. The Uncovered Truth

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The morning light streamed through the windows as Darshil sat quietly beside Aarvi, who was also sitting on the bed, still weak from the emotional toll of the last few days. Her face was pale, and her eyes had lost their usual spark. The weight of everything she had been through—the false pregnancy, the accusations, the hurt—seemed to have drained her spirit.

Aarvi was lost in his eyes for a minute but then she looks away due to the situations going on between them.

Darshil had made a decision. He knew he couldn’t bear to see her in this state any longer. He had to tell her the truth, but not all at once. The first step was for her to know that she wasn’t pregnant. The rest—about Siya—would come later, once he had earned her forgiveness.

He took a deep breath, gathering the courage to speak.

I wanted to tell you something. Darshil said

Aarvi’s eyes flicked toward him, confusion and wariness clouding her gaze. She had distanced herself from him emotionally after all the hurt she had endured, and Darshil could feel the invisible wall between them.

What is it? Aarvi asked

Darshil’s heart clenched. He hated seeing her like this—broken, vulnerable, and mistrustful. And he knew that it was partly his fault.

He knelt down in front of her, taking her hands in his as he looked up at her. His voice was thick with emotion.

Hazel....you’re not pregnant. Darshil said

The words hit Aarvi like a physical blow. Her eyes widened in shock, and she pulled her hands back from his, her breath catching in her throat.

What? How... that can’t be... the reports... the tests... Aarvi asked

Darshil shook his head, his eyes filled with sorrow and regret.

The reports were false, Aarvi. I don’t know how it happened, but... you’re not carrying a child. Darshil said

Aarvi’s mind reeled. She had been so confused, so torn apart by the thought of being pregnant and by the accusations Darshil had thrown at her. And now, to learn that it was all based on a lie—it was too much to bear.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at him, her voice trembling.

Then why... why did you accuse me? Why did you think I would betray you like that? Aarvi said in a hurtful tone.

Darshil’s heart shattered at her words. He had been wrong—so very wrong. And now, he had to face the consequences of his actions.

Without a second thought, he dropped to his knees completely on the floor, bowing his head down to her feet, his voice cracking with guilt and desperation.

I’m so sorry, Aarvi. I... I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I was blinded by my own fear, my own insecurities. I thought... I thought you hated me, and in my foolishness, I believed the worst. Darshil pleads

Aarvi looked down at him in disbelief, her tears flowing freely now. She had never seen Darshil like this—completely vulnerable, broken, and willing to submit to her. The man who had always been so proud, so strong, was now on his knees, begging for her forgiveness.

I can’t take back what I said... I can’t undo the hurt I caused you. But please, Aarvi... please forgive me. I’ve never felt so lost... so ashamed of myself. Darshil said chocking on his words.

Aarvi’s hands trembled as she clutched the blanket, her mind and heart torn apart by conflicting emotions as Darshil rested his head on her feet where she can feel his tears. She had spent so long convincing herself that she didn’t care for him, that she didn’t love him. But seeing him like this—so raw, so honest—was breaking down the walls she had built around herself.

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