12 • wait... what?

892 91 23


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: hi hi

Stranger: how are you? :)

You: tired as hell wbu

Stranger: tired too.. why're you so tired? i bet you're nowhere near as tired as i am haha

You: lmao ok then, if only you knew buddy

Stranger is typing...

You: but if you must know i have stupid friends who get into stupid messes and i'm in 80% of the messes somehow

Stranger: woah

Stranger: same..

Stranger: plus the fact that my girlfriend hA girlfriend wow ok nevermind but yeah she texts me like non stop during the night if someone from some band she likes tweets or posts a selfie or something ugh

You: ok hold on now, you should feel flattered she is willing to share band details with you and fangirl over them

Stranger: not when i'm trying to sleep

You: well i do it to my boyfriend all the time and he dont mind :)

Stranger: he's probably getting more sleep than i am 

Stranger: so where you from? im 16 from usa

You: hey 16 from usa too

Stranger: haha awesome, where abouts?

You: eh you probably haven't heard of it its a small town

Stranger: try me

You: you could be some killer

Stranger: which im not 

You: but you could be

Stranger: bUT im not

You: you first then

Stranger: fine im from california 

You: same!! weird haha

Stranger: no way haha this is weird

Stranger: what next? you from beacon hills too? hahahahah

Stranger: man that would be funny

Stranger: hello?

You: um

Stranger: no way

You: yep...

Stranger: that means we probably know each other..

You: oh god now i'm terrified

You: just tell me your name

You: theres probably hundreds of people with the same name here right so it wont matter

Stranger: not with mine, mines pretty much only me and my dad

You: what

You: oh shit

You: please dont be who i think you are

Stranger: ... what ...

You: is this stiles..............



Stranger: WHO ARE YOU

You: oh just your girlfriend who you just moaned about :)) :)) :))

Stranger: come again

You: yeah so uh, i'm on my way over

Stranger: dont kill me

You: no you know what

Stranger: im not sure i'd like to actually

You: im gonna tell scott his jokes are actually funny and say you  wanna hear more

Stranger: you wouldn't

You: oh i would

You: have fun with that stilinski ;)

You have disconnected.

Mia's Phone ❁ Teen WolfDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora