Bubble goes to therapy

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It was a normal day in Kansas, like always. Bubbles was outside, playing with her pet unicorn Aunt Bubblegum gave her since last year on her birthday next to the barn, where the animals are. Aunt Bubblegum and Aunt Marceline are twin sisters and are the sisters of their older sister (which she died after the birth of Bubbles). The mother is unknown and Bubbles didn't know her mother since her mother's grave is far away from her home.
One time, at the barn, she and her unicorn Lady Raincorn, or Raincorn for short, were in the barn, talking about Oz. We all know about the wizard of Oz, the story about Bubbles that was send to Oz and had to go to the wizard of Oz, blah blah blah.
The rest is magical.
Well didn't you see that unfinished house? That's the house Aunt Marceline is gonna remake due for the old one to be ruined by the tornado.
"I can't stop thinking of Oz Raincorn. I just can't." Bubbles said, his eyes moving around. Raincorn neighed and then let out a sigh.
"Remember your pet? He passed away a long time ago." Raincorn said. Bubbles told Raincorn that she already knew and it is tragic.
Back at the house, Marceline is building the house. She is sweating of heat but didn't even give up, while Aunt Bubblegum is going to check on Bubbles and Raincorn at the barn. She walk in the barn and saw Bubbles, talking about Oz.
Aunt Bubblegum loves Bubbles telling her stories of Oz but for now, Bubblegum thinks that Bubbles has taken too far with the world of Oz, but she doesn't want to be rude about it. She needs to tell Bubbles very nicely that Bubbles need to go to a therapy to see what's happening.
"Bubbles. I don't want to be mean but..." Bubblegum said, which she didn't fully said her sentence.
Bubble was confused and so was Raincorn. Bubble didn't know that she need to go to therapy and there's no it's and but's about it.
"What Auntie? You can tell me."
Bubblegum look at Bubbles' cute face. She doesn't want to make Bubbles upset. She wants to say it the nice way.
"Bubbles. I know we loved your stories about Oz, but it's taken too far." Bubblegum said, and Bubbles was a little confused.

"Why? Is it because I can't get arid of that memory?" Bubbles asked.

"I think it's that." Bubblegum said, "We might take you to therapy today. I know you'll do well." Bubblegum said, and Bubbles giggled.

"Can Raincorn come too?" Bubbles said, her eyes widened and she is ready for the big moment.

"Of course you may Bubbles. Why would I say no to you cute face?"

Bubbles then said yay and then hug Raincorn.

"Bubbles you hug too tight." Raincorn said, but she doesn't care. Raincorn laughed and hug bubbles back.

Back at the house Marceline is making

"Hey Marceline!" Bubblegum said.

"Yeah what is it now? I'm in the middle of making it you know. I am almost finished!" Marceline said and then she laughed.

"I'm taking Bubbles to therapy." Bubblegum said and then Marceline started to agree.

Bubblegum started her wagon and Bubbles and Raincorn started to go on it. The two started to ride to therapy while talking all the way.

At therapy

"So your Bubbles?" A doctor at the therapy said, his face a little excited cuz he's getting to know her.

"Yes it's Bubbles." Bubbles replied.

"Nice to see you my dear! I'm Dr. Marvin and I'll be your 'therapist' cuz nobody wants to be with you." Marvin said and then he pull out a small notebook.

"Now my dear. Can you tell me what this 'Oz' dream is really about?" Marvin asked, pulling out his pencil and start to get ready to write.

Bubbles told Marvin about Oz while Bubblegum is checking on Raincorn, which she's looking at Marvin.

"Okay. So that's all? I thought there's more." Marvin said, "Oh and one more thing, you said that it is unforgettable to get arid of?"

"Yes." Bubbles said, "Yes it is."

Marvin look at Bubblegum and then looked back to Bubbles.

"Bubbles, since you can't get arid of it, you'll probably gonna stay here til I find a cure." Marvin said, "you'll be in a room." Marvin added.

"Okay Marvin." Bubbles said and then she look at Bubblegum.

"Auntie this is suspicious." Bubbles said.

"Don't worry Bubbles. I'm sure Marvin is gonna take care of you while I'm gone." Bubblegum said, letting out a smile, and Bubbles let out a smile too.

"Now Bubblegum, you can leave now." Marvin said.

"Alright Bubbles. Now do what Marvin says. Ok?" Bubblegum said.

"Okay Auntie. I will!" Bubbles said, her pet unicorn snuggled on Bubbles' back.

"That's my girl. Goodbye kiddos!" Bubblegum said and then she left...

Bubbles in: Return to Oz Where stories live. Discover now