Jake told Bubbles and Raincorn about what happened and going to Orko's palace

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"I am here!" Jake said and then he stopped.

"You need to be winded up." Bubbles said, "Here. Let me help."

Bubbles come to the back of the robot and winded him up. Jake felt pleased and happy for what Bubbles said. Raincorn cleaned Jake as well.

"You two are so kind." Jake said, "Thank you."

"So Mr. Jake? What happened to Oz?" Bubbles asked, very curious.

"Oz is in ruins by the-"

"We know." Raincorn cut off.

"Oh sorry." Jake said, "I thought you didn't know."

"That's alright." Bubbles said.

"And also, The Wicked Prince Orko had kidnapped Darwin of Oz and now he had the ability to switch heads now. He is collecting heads right now in this hour." Jake said.

"So we have to find Darwin and save him?" Bubbles asked, seeing if she is right.

"Orko knows everything. He doesn't like it when Darwin is free." Jake said, "We need to go to Orko's palace."

"What does the palace look like?" Bubbles asked.

"This is the royal palace." Jake said as he showed bubbles the picture of the palace.

" Jake said as he showed bubbles the picture of the palace

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"The palace look very large." Bubbles said, "But where's the bedroom though?"

"Well I never bent inside the palace." Jake said, "So I don't really know."

"And also, I haven't seen the scarecrow lately? Where is that sneaky scarecrow?" Bubbles said.

"There's only ONE person who knows of where the scarecrow is." Jake said.

"And who could that be?" Raincron asked.

"It is Prince Orko. We need to find him at his palace." Jake said.

"But isn't he supposed to take a nap?" Bubbles asked.

"No. He already took one." Jake said, "Come on everybody! To the palace we go!"

The three then start to go to the palace...

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⏰ Last updated: a day ago ⏰

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