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❝keeping pain in desire wearing angst as desire

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❝keeping pain in desire
wearing angst as desire. ❞

24 JUNE, 1995,

The air was thick with something Thalia couldn't quite put a hand on. A chill had settled over the castle, creeping through its mysterious and ancient cracks. Although it was midsummer, her hands felt numb. She sat by one of the Ravenclaw common room's windows, her gaze scanning and observing over the dark grounds of hogwarts, but her mind was far too focused on something else.

As usual, there were whispers here and there, but what surprised her was that they were, for once, not about her or her brother. No, the rumors swirling and twirling around were growing like a storm. Spreading its way from one student to another, eventually causing a massive riot. What was going around apparently was that something had happened at the last task of the Triwizard Tournament. Something wild. Insane, maybe. But something terrible.

Her arms tightened around the Astronomy textbook that she had been reading before she let her mind occupy her. Wandering into its own field of possibilities, like her mind always was. She already knew. She thought she was going mad when she'd seen it in her dreams, she really did. Something was off about that dream. And now Thalia knew, she'd known since the moment the air changed. It was like a piece of her had been ripped out from her chest, haunting and taunting her. Her heart was already dropped to her stomach, she had to accept it. She felt him—his presence, his return. It was so powerful, Thalia didn't know how she knew it. Didn't know how she felt it, but that didn't matter. Her father was back.

I should've known this day would come. Thalia thought carelessly to herself, as if blaming herself for all of this. Why couldn't she be more like Mattheo? That boy didn't seem to care for the life of him, he's living his best life while Thalia here was fighting for it. Maybe that's what made her so different, she was so anxious and thoughtful all the time. Always planning out the what ifs, making sure her friends are safe and happy before herself. But that's what made her her it wasn't her name or her brown eyes, or her stupid name.

Footsteps echoed through the quiet, composed common room. Her heart pounded in her chest as she felt a rush of adrenaline pump into her head. Almost like her body was fueling her, preparing her for what was to come. A part of her wanted to run, run far away, far away from this country. These people, this space, she wanted to hide. But there was nowhere she could go. Or rather, he would still find her no matter how hard he tried. He always did. Thalia sucked in a breath and stared into the perfect nothing out the window. When was it her turn? Her turn to run around carelessly? Her turn to stop feeling so much? They say that to feel is to know, but to Thalia, it was a blessing and a curse.

As the footsteps got closer, Thalia found herself wanting to get occupied. But her train ride of thoughts was interrupted by what used to be a dreamy and ecstatic voice was now replaced by an almost emotionless tone. She looked up and away from the window. Her blonde friend in front of her, looking absolutely terrified.

Luna's wide blue eyes met Thalia's doe pool of chocolate brown eyes. When blue met brown, that's when she knew that her predictions were correct. "He's back, Thalia." Said the blonde breathlessly, wide-eyed.

Thalia didn't respond, she couldn't. So instead, she took in a deep breath and sighed. She'd already felt it long before the amazing and inspiring words had left Luna's lips.

"Harry...he said it happened at the graveyard. He's back, and Cedric's..." Luna trailed off knowing the brunette would understand her perfectly well. It pained Thalia to see what used to be her dreamy face was now blurred and clouded with surrow. Sigh.

Thalia immediately shut her eyes, trying to block out the images that clouded her mind. Her father, standing in that graveyard. He was reborn and more inhuman than ever, his snake-like face twisted into a disgustingly cruel smile. Harry, lying on the ground, helpless. She knew that look anywhere, the aftermath of a crucio curse. Cedric, his lifeless body crumpled up like a discarded toy.

This. is. my. father. she thought bitterly. This is who he is.

Her chest was heaving, tightening. The weight of the burden she'd carried on her shoulders that she had so badly wanted to throw off her shoulders and crush it into a million pieces. She had spent all her life pretending she wasn't his daughter, pretending that she had no clue what her future was. But now, it's all gone, no more fun or games for Thalia Riddle.

Luna stepped closer to her in a way that made Thalia warm up at her cozy aura. Her soft voice had cut off the maze in her mind that she was so desperately trying to exit but ends up in the dead end . "Thalia, are you alright?"

Thalia's expression softened a bit at her concern, she didn't want to be pitied. "I..." She hesitated, her voice cracking and barely even a whisper. I don't know were three words that could describe what she was feeling best right now. All she wanted was to stop this, but what could she do after all?

Luna nodded sympathetically and sat down next to her by the window ledge. Though unusual, she understood the 14-year-old girl so perfectly. The way her eyes spoke for her made Thalia's chest ache more than it even was. "You can't avoid him forever, Thalia."

Thalia's heart pounded louder. Luna didn't say his name. No one ever did, but she didn't have to. Thalia knew what she meant. The Dark Lord, her father. He was coming. For her, for all of them. And she wasn't ready.

I will never be ready.

She turned her gaze back to the window, her reflection staring back at her. A Riddle. That's all anyone would ever see. No matter how hard she tried to run from it, no matter how much she wanted to be anything else.

A shiver ran through her as she whispered to herself, "It's only just begun."

She looked out of the window into the dark moonlit night. Stars scattered the empty darkness, much like Thalia. A bright but distant star. Gazing upon the glowing constellations in the midst of complete hollow and sorrow darkness gave Thalia a hopeful and comforting feeling, for with darkness surely comes light.

As her eyes traced the glittering patterns of the ever so ethereal stars, she couldn't help but feel the burdens that are yet to be set upon her. Like the stars, she remained out of reach, surrounded and swallowed whole by the dimness. No matter how bright she tried to shine, Thalia knew that she would forever be in the shadows of her legacy, the emptiness of the void surrounding her engolfing her whole. Though, she knew stars never lost their brilliance no matter how distant they were. They were always noticable from every planet. Scattered among the universe, some planets might appreciate them. While others may find the brightness and uniqueness bothering. It gave Thalia a comforting message: You are not alone.

But even with her reassuring herself, a voice at the back of her head haunted her mind. Gnawing quietly at the edges of her wise and brilliant mind. Flicker of doubts making sure to pop in every once in a while to remind her of the reality she lived in, not everything was a happy ending story. What if she was too bright, too dangerous, to ever truly belong? What if her brightness got tossed around and tangled in itself? What if her light would only ever cast more conflicting shadows?

A/N: Hiii! Let me know what you think! Please don't be a silent reader I absolutely love reading your comments and opinions. I've been working on this for a while now and I really hope you enjoy it..or else. Also, if you have any ideas for me just let me know in the comments and who knows? I might as well add them. I honestly know I don't currently have that many readers, but I do it for fun.

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