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ʚɞ Ruth ʚɞ

The city's library is quiet. Two story staircases full of people from the village and the city. I found myself at the top of the stairs lurking around like it was a museum because this was quite frankly my first time ever seeing a place such as this.

I was so used to the village's library. I felt bad for the lady that owns the library, since the new library in the city was built no one barely showed their faces inside the old library.

This place was magical, I will say. Concrete walls. Chandeliers hanging from the ceilings that twinkled with every step you make. It puts a smile on my face as I pass by all of the shelves filled with so many books that have my eyes crossing.

Cook books. I am here for cook books.

My basket lays in my hand, awaiting for my books to be carried in. My fingers lightly trace over the books as I pass by each of them, figuring out which one I would bring home.

I look around, amazed at everything around me. My eyes catch onto a figure that stands tall and in front of me from afar. He is looking around, his lips poked out in a pout, completely unaware of my presence.

What is he doing here?!

It is a library...

His eyes meet mine in a quick motion, and the world around me stops, the people walk in slow motion and my ears ring. I stand there standing, as my emotions crumble and he can now see all the things I have built to never let anyone see.

Why does this happen to me?

I come back to reality, turning around and walking to an aisle where cookbooks sit and ignore the figure from afar. Except my mind is where he stands perfectly still. Opening a decent book, I flip through, ignoring the shadow that looms across from me on the other aisle, and eyes peep at me, but I continue to keep my head down.

Just act like he doesn't exist. That should be fine, right?

I decide on getting the book and place it inside my basket carefully, turning, I bump into the said figure that hurriedly found its way next to mine. Lovely.

I should have ran.

I look up, putting on the act that I didn't see him. "Lord Hampton, I did not see you. My apologies."

"It seems as if we keep bumping into each other lately, huh?" He clicks the top of his mouth, handling a book of his own. He did love reading. That was one of the things we have in common. I love cookbooks, and he loved the other genres.

He wears a dark gray, long coat that has me drooling at the mouth and his hair is freshly gelled.

He tilts his head, sharing his own smile. I do the same, mimicking his actions. "Only by pure coincidence, I am sure."

"Some may call it fate."

"Mhh, some may call it a library where everyone goes to." My steps are fast away from him and I can hear him right on my tail. I hand the lady at the counter my coins, sharing a soft smile towards her and walking out of the library.

"Ruth, wait!" I hear him walking after me, but he gets stopped by the lady at the front desk.

"Sir, are you going to pay for that?" She holds a bored look, and he digs in his pocket for coins. Rolling my eyes, I exit out the door and connect to the busy street of the city.

The city was so much different from the village. Much more wealth was on this side, but the most beautiful sights to see were on the only good things. The people ruined this side of Lockwood, destroying out the kindness that it once shared with the village.

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