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All Charlotte wanted was to go home and call Mia. She missed her girlfriend so much because Mia was halfway across the world. It was finally Friday and they always FaceTime on Fridays. The day dragged on and on for Charlotte, she just wanted to be home. She had one hour left before she could go home. The last hour seemed to drag on even more, just like earlier on in the day.

Little did Charlotte know, that her FaceTime wasn't happening, because Mia was already home. Mia had initially told Charlotte that she was due home in two weeks time, but truthfully, Mia couldn't stand to be away from her sweetheart any longer. Mia was tired of running across the world, looking for her father. Mia made the decision to stop looking for a man who didn't want to be found, she had already invested months being away from Charlotte, she didn't wanna sacrifice anymore time from her forever person.

There were so many things she wanted to experience with Charlotte, but couldn't do any of them always being away from her. She wanted to make this the best surprise for her sweetheart. She had a spare key that Charlotte gave her in case of an emergency. As Mia turned into Charlotte's driveway, she got instant butterflies knowing that in an hour and a halfs time, her sweetheart would be home. Mia grabbed everything from the car that she had bought for their special weekend. Charlotte's daughters were with their father this week so Mia knew there would be no interruptions.

She had to make 2 trips to her car due to the amount of stuff she had bought, including the black roses and black rose petals as well. Mia got everything set up in a timely manner. A candle lit dinner set up in the dinning room (minus the food until Charlotte arrived home), a rose petals trail going from the candle lit dinner all the way to her bedroom, and the bathroom, more rose petals scattered on the bed, two black boxes with red ribbon on both, and a bubble bath with candles, and their favorite snacks, as well as more wine and a projector to watch their favorite movie.

As Mia put the final touches on her surprise, she nearly forgot to park her car down the road as to not ruin the surprise. As she goes back into Charlotte's house from parking her car down the road, she sits on the couch, knowing her sweetheart would be walking through the front door very soon.

                     Charlotte's POV;

I was minutes from home and I had butterflies in my stomach knowing I would be talking to Mia very soon. I finally pulled into my driveway, I turned off the ignition, grabbed my purse and got out of my car. Heading up to my house, I smell something very familiar, Tom Ford Cherry perfume. I push it to the back of my mind. My head is playing tricks on me, making me think I'm smelling Mia's perfume. I get my keys out of my purse, and try to unlock the door, but realizing it's already unlocked. I become anxious and a wave of panic hits me, I slowly turn the doorknob and enter my home.

I instantly smell the same perfume that I did before I got into my house. I gasp, seeing what looks like a candle lit dinner for two. "Mia! Where are you?" I call for my girlfriend. "Sweeheart, I'm over here", Mia says back. I kick off my shoes, and head into the living room and see my Amelia, my world sitting on my couch in a tight black dress, smirking. She stands up and opens her arms. I instantly run and jump on her,  causing us both to fall on the couch. I smile so big, before passionately kissing her. Her hands find my waist and she squeezes gently.

My hands cup her face as I kiss her harder, Mia pulls away from our kiss. "Hello, sweetheart", Mia says flustered, completely breathless. "What are you doing here?" I ask, so happy to see Mia. "Well, I wanted to give you some good news and I always go overboard with my surprises as you know", Mia says twirling a piece of my hair with her index finger. "Good news and a surprise? What would that be and what have I done to deserve you?" I ask, my voice full or curiosity and uncertainty. Mia puts her hand gently on my face, "sweetheart, just by being yourself."

"You deserve the world and I'm so glad you chose me", Mia says looking into my eyes, full of love and admiration. Mia lifts me off her lap and placing me beside her before grabbing my hands, smiling. "I'm home, permanently", she says almost tearing up. My breathe catches in my throat as a single tear falls. Mia sees as the tear falls down my cheek, she puts her hand on my cheek, wiping it away. "Oh, sweetheart, I'm so  sorry. I didn't mean to upset you", Mia says, her voice kind and caring.

"Your home for good? Really?" I say trying to fight back more tears. "Yes, sweetheart, I'm home for good now. I'm done searching for my father, he clearly doesn't want to be found. I've searched for months and I'm just running around in circles and it is absolutely exhausting. I don't have the energy left to continue my search", Mia explains, looking sad.

                         Mia's POV;

"Mia, you have no idea how happy I am that you are home now", Charlotte says rubbing the top of my hand with her thumb, comforting me. I looked into Charlotte's eyes, full of love. "Me too, sweetheart. Tonight and this weekend is all about us", I say standing up, extending my hand to Charlotte. She takes my hand and I lead her into the kitchen where I'm making her favorite dish; chicken parmesean. "Why don't you grab two glasses for us and pour some wine, sweetheart?" I ask Charlotte. "Okay", she says walking to the opposite end of the kitchen and grabs two glasses out of the cupboard.

Opening the fridge, she grabs a bottle of wine and pours both glasses half full. "Dare I ask what the rose petals on the floor are for, baby?" Charlotte boldly asks, handing me a glass of wine, with a smirk on her face, lifting one eyebrow. I smile and walk up to her, whispering in her ear, "you'll find out after dinner, sweetheart." I hear Charlotte gasp, whilst biting her lip.

I finish making dinner, serve Charlotte's plate first, and than mine. I pull out a chair for Charlotte, she winks at me and sits down. I sit across from her, my eyes never leaving hers. "Enjoy dinner, sweetheart", I tell her.

After around 20 minutes later, we finish dinner and our third glass of wine. "How was dinner baby?" I ask Charlotte. "Oh, it was absolutely delicious", Charlotte says getting up, and starts to clear the plates. "Sweetheart, what are you doing?" I ask her. "Well, you made dinner so I'm going to clean up", she says walking to the kitchen. "Char, you-" I start to speak. "No Amelia, that's what's happening. No arguing, understood?" She responds firmly. I can't argue with that, my gosh, she's so hot when she's telling me off.

"Yes boss", I reply biting my lip, watching her walk into the kitchen. I bring my empty plate to the kitchen and set it beside the sink. I stand behind Charlotte, and start kissing her neck. "Mmmm, Mia what are you doing?" Charlotte moans. I don't answer and continue kissing her neck and the top of her shoulder. "Amelia, I asked you a question, so I expect an answer", Charlotte demands, firmly. I love the more dominant side of her.

"Can't I just spoil my girlfriend with kisses and affection without being questioned? I can't help it Char, you're just so sexy", I say in her ear whilst biting her earlobe. "Mia, please", Charlotte moans again. "Follow me", I say to Charlotte, extending my hand to her. Flustered and heavily breathing, she takes my hand, I walk her ahead of me. I walk up behind her again and whisper in her ear, "follow the rose petals and our fun can begin, sweetheart." I see her bite her lip, as she takes the first step. She looks back at me, wanting me to follow her, closely. "I'm right behind you baby", I reply.

I follow right behind her, hearing her gasp as she sees all the details of the petals and tea light candles cast a warm glow on the floor and walls of the staircase. As she reaches the top of the staircase, the rose petals branch into two separate trails. "Which one do I take?" Charlotte turns to me, asking. "Which ever one you want, sweetheart. It's up to you. Either way, both lead to a surprise", I reply, smirking. ' I hope she goes left first, that's the bedroom', I think to myself. Charlotte looks at me smirking, taking the first step to the left.

'I swear this woman can read my mind', I think to myself. Charlotte walks to her bedroom door, opens it, steps inside and gasps.

Behind Closed Doors- Mialotte Where stories live. Discover now