Chapter 12 

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"Tak, we were wondering about you, so we decided to give you a call. How's your mission going so far, Invader?" Red said, sitting in the car with Purple, both of them on Earth. Tak gently stroked her antennas, decompressing herself before replying to her leaders.

"It's going well so far. The planet I'm on right now is Earth, the unknown planet you sent me to," she said.

The Tallests nodded, and then Purple decided to ask, "Have you made any progress so far, Invader Tak?"

Tak played with her clawed hands before answering, "So far, yes. I've made a disguise to blend in with the inhabitants of this planet. Funnily enough, they don't suspect a thing about me. I now reside in the human suburbs, where my base is set up. As far as I can tell, this planet's defenses are weak. It doesn't seem prepared for any intergalactic invasion, so this will be a pretty easy takeover for me."

The Tallests were pleased with her progress. "All right, we'll leave you to it. Continue working on taking over Earth, and let us know when you've succeeded."

Tak waved goodbye to her leaders, ending the transmission. She let out a big sigh of relief, narrowly dodging a bullet.

"I've got to hand it to you, Mistress. You did very well disguising your emotions; they were pretty convincing," Mimi said.

Tak walked over to the couch and sat back. "I have to give myself some credit for that. Who knows what would've happened if they found out what I did. But I can't keep this up for too long. Eventually, they'll find out, and then I'm compromised," she replied.

Mimi hopped on the couch beside her. "Don't think so negatively about it right now. Worry about that in the future," she reassured.

The next day...

It was another day of uneventful, boring lessons as the Skool kids piled inside. The last two heading in were Dib and Tak.

"Well, another day, another educational torture," Dib said as they approached their lockers.

"Relax," Tak giggled at his complaint, "the less you complain, the faster the day goes."

After unloading their backpacks into their lockers, they headed straight to class and took their usual seats. Today, there was a different lesson planned, one that would make Dib jealous.

"All right, class, today's lesson is a science experiment, and I'll be picking the partners," Miss Bitters announced. Dib gulped, muttering to himself, "Please, please, pick me and her, please pick me and her..."

"Tak, you'll be partnering with Keef," Miss Bitters said, making Dib's heart sink.

Tak felt bad for him, but she had no choice. As she approached Keef, she was already creeped out by the crazy look in his eyes.

"Hi, Tak! I can't believe you're my partner!" Keef exclaimed.

Tak shifted in her seat, scooting a little away from him. She glanced back at Dib, who was staring daggers at Keef, looking like he wanted nothing more than to knock him out if he touched her.

"You should come a little closer," Keef said, reaching out to grab her arm. But before he could, a chair came flying right at him, hitting him directly in the face. He fell to the floor, groaning in pain.

Tak wasn't surprised. She knew exactly who had thrown it. The rest of the class gasped, turning their attention to Dib, who was fuming with jealousy.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her, Keef, you sicko!" Dib shouted at the ginger boy, still on the ground.

Miss Bitters turned her attention to the situation. "I think you should apologize, Dib," she said sternly.

Dib sighed, walking towards Keef while Tak remained silent.

"Miyuki, I didn't think he'd take it this hard. He's certainly the jealous type. I mean, he literally threw a chair at a boy I was sitting next to. I respect that he doesn't want me taken by anyone else," Tak thought to herself.

As Dib was about to apologize, Keef swung a punch at him, but Dib dodged it and retaliated with an uppercut, sending Keef flying into the wall, creating a hole that led into the hallway. The class gasped again at Dib's violence.

Miss Bitters, tired of the commotion, sighed. "All right, Dib, you can be partners with Tak. I really don't want to make phone calls home about this."

Dib's anger vanished as soon as he was allowed to be Tak's partner. He quickly ran up to her, hugging her tightly. In his excitement, he did something he never thought he would—he carefully lifted her up and swung her around slowly. Tak burst into laughter, tears in her eyes.

After his little moment, Dib took Keef's seat, while Keef remained sprawled in the hallway, still in pain from being launched through the wall. Tak leaned into Dib's shoulder, blushing furiously at his overly protective nature.

"Well, well, well, looks like I've got a secret admirer," she teased. "Mr. Protective, huh?"

Dib playfully shoved her. "Shut up," he said, blushing and laughing.

As they worked together on the science experiment, their classmates muttered among themselves, noticing how close the two had become. Some were starting to suspect that Dib and Tak might be more than just friends.

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