7) Isis

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Everyone with fear and Edla with anger started to fight in the dark.

Edla: "What did you do?"

Alicia: "I'm sorry" "I tried sitting on the throne and then a sudden voice" "I think I woke up the sprits"

Edla: "Didn't I mention not to?"

Nick: "Edla relax" "Its a very good time for us to find out something amazing!"

Monisha: "Now we are under the pyramid" "There's no way out"

Alicia: "We can climb back?"

Monisha: "NO" "It's a trap" "The floors are fixed" "Just look up and find it your self"

Nick: "Just Darkness! Anyway we are all together. Lets find a way out"

Edla: "Guys did anyone mange to find the torch?"

In a moment of utter bewilderment, Alicia's voice pierced the silence, a frantic scream escaping her lips. "Ahhhhhh, my brain! It hurts! Aaaaah!" Just as her cries echoed through the darkened room, she collapsed, her body going limp. Miraculously, as she fainted, the shadows around them began to shimmer with an ethereal light. "What are they?" Nick asked, his voice laced with curiosity and fear. At that very moment, Alicia stirred back to consciousness, declaring, "They are plants that emit light, and from now on, I am Isis." Panic surged through Edla as she cried out, "No! What have you done to my sister?" Tears welled in her eyes as she repeated, "Is she dead?" Losing her balance, she fell to the ground. Monisha rushed to her side, lifting Edla just as Isis warned, "She will be dead if you try to kill me." Edla, filled with desperation, retorted, "Why would I? You're in my sister's soul!" Nick, sensing the urgency, ran to help her and whispered to Edla  "We will find a way out and save your sister. First, we need to trust Isis and work together." Edla, bolstered by his words, found a flicker of hope. Then, Isis beckoned, "Follow me," and began to walk down the dimly lit hallway.

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