𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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chapter nine: tea leaves

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chapter nine: tea leaves.
date: september 2nd 1993.

STELLA MIMICKED "BROADEN YOUR MINDS," holding her hands out in front of her and wriggling her fingers.

"I'm beginning to think she served us mouldy apple juice," Jade said, her eyes crossing as she sipped the foul-tasting tea.

Stella rolled her eyes and began to open her copy of Unfogging the Future, flicking to pages five and six, which showed her a variety of symbols and their meanings. Without looking up at Jade, she reached for her teacup.

"Be nice to me," Jade said softly, holding her cup to her face before offering it to Stella.

"You ready to be amazed by your good fortune?" Stella enquired, looking over at Jade, who nodded her head.

Stella inclined her head to one side, attempting to form the shape of the leaves in the teacup; she even put her tongue out to view the shape more clearly.

"So, you've got what looks like an apple at the bottom of your teacup... which means you need to improve your diet?" Stella guessed, her eyes straining as they moved between the teacup and the book.

"Fucking cheek of it," Jade growled, staring at Stella's teacup. "A little bit of cheesecake never hurts anyone."

"Read mine and stop sulking," Stella chuckled as she handed Jade her teacup.

Jade ran her finger down the list of symbols, pausing at each one to examine the leaves in the teacup; her lips pulled together in a thin line as she attempted to analyse the leaves.

"Looks like you have a rose on the side of your cup, which means you either get relief from illness or make illegal money," Jade whispered, her nose wrinkled up, wondering what she was reading or seeing.

"Sweet," Stella said, laughing.

However, their amusement was short-lived as Professor Trelawney swung around to face Harry, Ron, and Hermione at the table.

"Let me see that, my dear," she told Ron, swooping over and taking Harry's cup from him.

"Oh, here we go," Jade grumbled, setting Stella's teacup on the table.

Stella went onto her knees, stretched across the armchair, her chin almost touching Harry's shoulder, and he twisted his head slightly, rolling his eyes at whatever was about to come next.

"The falcon...my dear, you have a deadly enemy."

"But everyone knows that," Hermione replied in a loud whisper. Professor Trelawney stared at her. "Well, they do; everybody knows about Harry and You-Know-Who."

Stella parted her lips, astonished but also in awe of Hermione for speaking so openly to a teacher, something Stella had assumed only Jade did. Nonetheless, Professor Trelawney elected not to ignore her comment. She lowered her beady eyes and continued to spin Harry's cup.

"The club...an attack. Dear, dear, this is not a happy cup."

"I had no idea teacups could have feelings," Stella said quietly into Harry's ear. He resisted the impulse to chuckle.

"I thought that was a bowler hat," Ron acknowledged, smiling sheepishly.

"The skull...danger in your path, my dear."

Everyone continued to stare at the group, taken in by every word their teacher had saying. They watched as Professor Trelawney gave the cup a final twirl, gasped, and then screamed. Stella sprang, perhaps a bit too much, and tumbled out of the armchair, smacking her chin on Harry's shoulder before collapsing to the ground. There was another sound of china breaking; Neville had crushed his second cup.

Professor Trelawney slumped into an empty armchair, her palm over her heart and her eyes closed. Stella let out a tiny grumble as she lay flat on her stomach, and Ron and Harry chuckled along with a few other students who had observed the experience, while Hermione stood up to help her.

"You alright?" Hermione enquired, her voice filled with anxiety.

"I swear she's going to give everyone a heart attack by the end of this class," Stella grumbled as she forced herself back up onto her knees.

"My dear boy...my poor, dear boy...no...it is kinder not to say...no...don't ask me."

"Do you mind sharing with the class?" Jade asked cynically, standing up and approaching Stella.

Everyone quickly rose to their feet and began to cluster around Harry and Ron's table, pressing up against Professor Trelawney's chair to get a good look at Harry's Cup.

"Watch the fingers!" Stella exclaimed, tipping her head up to look at Pansy Parkinson.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Pansy joked, a smirk spreading over her lips.

Stella frowned at her, gripping the armchair for support before standing up and turning to face their teacher in the now-small area.

"My dear," Professor Trelawney began, her large eyes widening considerably. "You have the Grim."

"The what?" Harry enquired.

Stella gazed across at Jade, who had pushed Pansy and her band of fools out of the way, her stomach twisting in knots. She placed a consoling hand on Harry's shoulder.

"The Grim, my dear, the Grim!" Professor Trelawney was concerned, and she appeared surprised that Harry did not understand. "The giant, spectral dog that haunts churchyards! My dear boy, it is the worst omen of death!"

"I really do think you need to get your eyes checked," Jade said, wrinkling her nose in disgust.

Hermione had pushed through the crowd to be behind Trelawney's chair. "I don't think it looks like a Grim."

Professor Trelawney looked at Hermione and Jade with increasing displeasure, and Jade eventually held her palms up, curling her lips together to stop herself from laughing.

"You'll forgive me for saying so, my dear, but I perceive very little aura around you. Very little receptivity to the resonances of the future."

Seamus Finnigan tilted his head from side to side.

"It looks like a Grim if you do this," Seamus said, his eyes nearly closed. "But it looks more like a donkey from here."

"When you've all finished deciding whether I'm going to die or not!" Harry raised his voice, surprising himself.

The professor's words echoed in the confined area, resulting in a tense stillness in the classroom. Stella exchanged anxious glances with Jade. Everyone slowly went to their tables, and Stella crawled back over the arm of her chair, settling back into the soft fabric. The atmosphere had become unsettling as Trelawney moved on, still casting anxious glances at Harry, and eventually came to Stella's table. She leaned in, her huge eyes fastening on Stella with a serious expression.

"Seriously?!" Stella protested, raising her hands in the air.

Her hands tightened a bit around her teacup as she handed it to the professor. She didn't believe in tea leaves or omens, but after what had transpired over the summer, the prospect of danger seemed a little too real for comfort.

Professor Trelawney looked into the cup, her expression deepening. "Oh, dear...this is...deeply troubling."

A wave of whispers passed through the crowd, and Jade's grin vanished. Stella's stomach tightened as the professor's voice took on an ominous tone.

"There is danger ahead, my dear...something broken...a shattered bond, a symbol of conflict...it is the mark of impending peril," Trelawney said softly and eerily.

Stella blinks, her heart racing against her will. She took a quick glimpse at her teacup but couldn't make sense of the swirling patterns inside. Jade shifted uneasy next to her.

"What does that mean?" Stella asked, attempting to keep her voice steady.

Trelawney's gaze fixed on her, and she sighed deeply. "Conflict, Miss Martínez. You will face a great deal of turmoil. Be cautious, as you are on a dangerous path."

"Oh, come on," Ron remarked calmly from across the room, breaking the tension. "It's only tea leaves. They're constantly predicting danger."

Jade, attempting to lighten the mood, leaned over the table to whisper. "Maybe you're destined to fight a troll or something."

But before Stella could react, a drawling voice broke through the silence.

"Danger, Miss Martínez? What a shocker," Draco Malfoy sneered from the other side of the room. "Maybe you'll go as mad as your dear old mother, my father heard that she's worried that her pathetic friend will come after her or even better you."

The room fell silent, and Stella felt her face flush with rage. Malfoy's nasty words struck her hard—she scarcely knew who Sirius Black was, yet his name followed her about like a shadow. It was infuriating.

"Shut it, Malfoy," Ron shouted, glaring at him. "No one asked for your opinion."

Malfoy smirked. "Touchy, Weasley? I am simply saying, It wouldn't surprise me if Lunacy ran in the family."

"Your father doesn't know his ass from his elbow, Malfoy!" Jade yelled, staring at him with disdain.

"Don't listen to him," Harry whispered, turning in his seat and offering her a comforting glance. "He's just trying to get under your skin."

Stella swallowed and forced herself to nod, but the sting of Malfoy's words stayed. She didn't want him to know how offended she was by his statements, but her mind was racing. Conflict? Danger? What did all this mean?

Professor Trelawney, oblivious to the mounting tension, offered Stella one final compassionate look before turning away. "You must be cautious, Miss Martínez. The threat that surrounds you should not be taken lightly."

Stella offered a curt nod, her thoughts still racing. Trelawney, what threat were you referring to? And why did Malfoy have to bring Sirius Black into this? The name meant little to her—just a distant, infamous buddy she knew nothing about—but every mention of him felt like a weight she couldn't lift.

"I think we will leave the lesson here for today," Professor Trelawney stated in her sweetest voice. "Yes, please pack away your things."

The class silently returned their teacups to Professor Trelawney, packed their books, and closed their bags. Stella prayed that the next lesson would clear her thoughts, which she knew it would because she had been looking forward to learning about magical creatures, and with Hagrid as the teacher, she was confident he would put on a show for them.

"Until we meet again," Professor Trelawney remarked softly.

When the group exited the Divination classroom, they didn't say anything to each other as they walked slowly towards their class, which was located outside on the castle grounds. The chill of the fall afternoon didn't help to alleviate their worry. Harry strode ahead, deep in concentration following the scary Divination class. Ron murmured something under his breath next to him, still contemplating Professor Trelawney's ominous prediction for Harry.

"I can't believe she really believes that stuff," Hermione said, shaking her head. "The Grim? Come on, it's just an overgrown dog."

Harry remained silent, his expression tight.

"At least it wasn't just you this time," Ron commented. "Stella got something about danger too."

Stella, strolling with her arm linked to Jade's, grimaced. "Yeah, there's a dangerous route ahead of me. I'd almost prefer the giant dog."

"Maybe it's about Snape," Jade teased, poking Stella with her elbow. "You always seem to find danger when he's involved."

"That man's a walking nightmare, not an omen," Stella replies, rolling her eyes.

"Well, whatever it is, it's not something you should dwell on," Hermione said, smiling sympathetically. "Trelawney loves her theatrics."

"Yeah, just like Malfoy," Harry admitted, finally speaking out. "I bet you gallons that he's already told the whole school about your mum being former friends with Sirius Black."

Stella shivered as they continued to trek down the steep grassy hill. As if on cue, a couple of younger Ravenclaw students walked by, staring at Stella before one of them stepped forward.

"Is it true?" the girl enquired, becoming worried. "Was your mum really friends with Sirius Black?"

Stella's pulse thudded in her chest as the group came to an abrupt halt on the hill; she anticipated Malfoy to spread the word, but she couldn't believe how swiftly he did so.

"Excuse me?" Stella questioned them, her face twisted with irritation.

The girl hesitated, but her companion spoke up. "Draco Malfoy said your mum knew him from school, and he thinks that's why—"

"Why don't you mind your own business?" Stella snapped, her voice piercing the sharp air.

The two pupils blinked wide-eyed before immediately scampering away. Stella looked behind her as the two younger girls hurried up the hill; no doubt they'd tell their classmates that she had their heads bitten off by herself, resulting in another round of talk about her.

"Ugh, I'm going to murder Malfoy," Stella exclaimed, enraged. She turned back to face her friends, encouraging Jade to resume walking.

"I'll help you," Ron said, appearing equally angry. "Malfoy's a complete prat."

Before anyone could respond, a familiar figure arrived on the route ahead. Professor Lupin approached, his eyes crinkling with anxiety as he met the group midway.

"Stella, could I have a word?" Remus asked.

The others gazed at them with curiosity, but Remus smiled reassuringly.

"I promise I won't keep her long," Remus assures them, motioning for Stella to step to the side. "You lot, go ahead to class."

The group reluctantly resumed their stroll, but Harry and Hermione exchanged glances, apparently interested in what Lupin had to say.

"I overheard some students talking," he explained softly, his expression softening. "I wanted to make sure you're alright."

Stella crossed her arms, her fury boiling beneath the surface. "It's just Malfoy being his usual horrible self; what else is new?"

"Rumours about your mother's connection to Sirius may spread faster than you think," Lupin sighed, his eyes softly understanding.

Stella felt a twinge of doubt at his comments. "But he was just a friend."

Lupin's mouth twitched, as if he wanted to say something else but held back. Instead, he placed his hand on her shoulder. "Now what's this about walking on a dangerous path?"

"You heard about that too?" Stella sighed, tipping her head back in amazement. "Trelawney convinced I'm walking on a dangerous path."

"Perhaps it's that detention with Snape?" Remus offered, letting out a tiny giggle as Stella twisted her face.

Stella slammed her eyes shut, allowing her head to slump forward, falling into Remus' stomach. "Malfoy was being insufferable, as usual."

"I'm sure he was," Remus chuckled quietly, placing his arm around Stella's shoulder. "But you do have a knack for finding trouble, don't you?"

"That's all Harry's fault," Stella said, though he couldn't tell she was smirking.

"Hmm," Remus hummed, raising his brow. "In any case, try not to let Malfoy or anyone else get under your skin, alright?"

"I'll try," Stella sighed, raising her head to look up at him.

Lupin's smile was warm, and the creases on his face softened as he gave her a gentle squeeze. "You know I'm here if you ever need anything."

"I know, and I'm grateful for that," Stella replied, smiling back.

For a minute, it felt as if they were the only two people in the world. His kindness, his silent protection, made her realise how fortunate she was to have someone like him in her life.

"Now, you'd better get to class before Hagrid thinks I've stolen one of his students," Remus says, his eyes still soft and concerned.

"Wouldn't want that," Stella laughed, pulling out of his grip.

"Behave yourself for my sake, please," Remus begged her, a faint smile on his lips.

"Can't promise that, Uncle Remus," Stella joked, adjusting her bag on her shoulder.

"Get back to class," he urged, his smile lingering as he watched her walk away to join the others.

As Stella went away, Remus Lupin stood motionless, observing her disappearing form with a heaviness he hadn't felt in years. A familiar feeling of shame and protectiveness raced in his chest. His expression remained controlled, but the weight of his knowledge pushed down on him like an iron burden.

He'd always believed in honesty and doing the right thing, but this was different. Some realities were not his to reveal, yet he couldn't help but feel the tension tugging at him, intensifying with each passing day. Stella had developed into a strong, bold girl, much like her mother.

His heart tightened at the thought. He recognised Stella's closeness with her family. Jamie had been everything to her, and her mother had created a web of tales to keep her safe from the past. But if—no, when—the truth was revealed, it would destroy the carefully crafted life she believed in.

He swallowed, his gaze firmly fixed on her until she was out of sight. What would happen to her? His stomach twisted with worry. As much as he loved Stella and wanted to protect her from the harsh realities of the world, he knew that moment would come. And when it happened, he feared that her bright, burning spirit would be extinguished by the weight of everything.

For the time being, all he could do was remain by her side, lead her as best he could, and trust that when the storm hit, she'd be strong enough to weather it.


im back with another update !!
i can't believe that i have nearly
finished writing this book, so be
prepared for many updates to
come and lots of drama to be
expected !!

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