Chapter 3

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I was running at full sprint. I was running from someone but who? I didn't dare turn back around afraid to find out who I was running from. I kept running from the person. I had a stich in my side that hurt worse then getting braces, rootcannal, and wisdom teeth removed put together. I tripped over a huge rock and fell to the ground with a thud. The wind was knocked out of me. I coughed dirt out of my lungs and tried to get up but something caught my foot.

"No let go! Get away from me! Let go!"

I was scraping at the ground and crying in fear. My nails were leaving tiny ruts in the dirt. I was being pulled closer and closer. I forced myself to turn around but was scared of what I might see.

There, pulling me backwards, was the man who shot me covered in all black again.

"No not you! Let me go! Please! Let go!!" I kept screaming but he would let go.

"Your coming with me" He said in his deep voice.

        I was shaken awake by Christian.

"Sam! Sam wake up! Your fine!" He was saying to me.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I stopped screaming but I was out of breathe and sweating.

"Your were screaming like someone was stabbing you"

        No one stabbed me but i prefered that then seeing that man again.

"Are you ok" He asked.

"No that man is in my nightmares now" I spat. "I want to go home Christian" 

"The nurse said you can go home soon." He picked me up in his arms. Luckily i wasn't attached to any machines or anything. He was careful by my arm. 

        I laid my head on his shoulder and cried into him. I wanted the black covered man to disapear. I hated him! Now I can't even sleep!

"I promise it's gonna be ok" He said.

        He sat on top of my hospital bed. I was very small compared to him so he had my in his lap. He kissed my cheek and kept promising everything was going to be ok.

   The nurse walked in with two trays for breakfast. Why did she have a second tray?

"Goodmorning Sammy, Christian"

"Morning" I said

"Sleep well" she asked

"Nope" I replied 

"Well then you better eat up. You've gotta have energy."

I clung to Christian. "Can Christian stay" I asked

"Who do you think this second tray is for? My pet unicorn?" She said


        She laughed and placed the trays down. She walked out gracefully.

        I enjoyed eating breakfast with Christian. I feel safe around him and lately I've been needing that, but I will be happy to leave. Which hopefully is soon.

My parents walked in on Christian and I. We had finished eating breakfast and Christian had his arm around me.

"Um Samantha" My dad said. 

"Hi daddy, Hi mommy"

        Christian immediately put me down. 

"Who's your friend"? Mom asked

"Mom, Dad, this is Christian. He's my, um... my..." I didn't know what he was. He's been acting like a boyfriend but never really asked me out.

"I'm Samantha's boyfriend. I'm sorry you had to meet me like this. It probably doesn't make a very good impression. It's nice to meet both of you." He held out his hand. Mom and Dad both shook it.

'Thank God, he's polite' I thought to myself.

"Well Christian, I hear from Sam's sister that you called the ambulence when Sammy was shot" Mom questioned. 

"Of course" he replied. "Someone had to and I wasn't just going to wait for someone else to do it. Plus the class was going insane." He finished.

"Well thank you. You might've saved my little girls life" Daddy said.

"Daddy I don't think it would've killed me" I said.

"Well I think i'll head out. Sammy I'll talk to you later?" Christian said.

        He kissed my cheek and left. I felt my face get warm from the slight embarrassment.

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