Heroes Vs Villains

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(Metal bars clank)

Prisoner : I'm innocent, I tell you! Innocent!

Prisoner: (Kissing sounds)

Chris: The Crusty Cockroaches Have a Big Lead Over the Soiled Stink Bugs!

Prisoner: Cram it, Mclean! (Maniacal laughter)

Chris: Ooh! Lightning slips Past Duncan - The heat is on! Yeah! Look at that! That's what I'm talkin' about. Well, well, well, look who finally came to visit me After a whole year!

Chef: Come on, you've finished Your sentence for dumping toxic waste.

Chris: Whatever! Think I'll stay right here. Got everything I need, Including Chef 2.0. I made him from a cashew. *Chef gives him a contract* What's this?

Chef: Yo' contract. The producers have green lit Another season. And want that owl boy to come back with his friends. So, you in?

Chris: It is on!

Intro Plays

Chris: Welcome to total drama All-stars! After my involuntary year-long "Vacation," I really need to be in a familiar environment, surrounded by the people I love... To hurt. (Devious chuckle) It's a condition of my parole! Except for the "hurt" part, huh, That's all Mclean. So, I'm bringing back fourteen TD All-Stars as well as a bunch of Guest Stars to battle it out in the most dangerous, Death defying, $1,000,000 Dollar competition ever! And here they are now! From "Revenge Of The Island," say hello to...Multiple Mike, A.k.a. Chester, Svetlana, Vito, Manitoba, and Mal! Mike's crush, rejecter, turned bestie, Zoey!

Zoey: (Sharp breath) Mike! *Jumps down*

Chris: Athletic non-supporter...Lightning!

Lighting: You call that a dive? Watch this! *As he gets kicked* Sha-aaagh!

Chris: Bubble boy brainiac, Cameron!

Cameron: This is highly illogical! *Gets thrown*

Chris: Gregarious mutant-loving gamer, Sam!

Sam: *Chef drops him* Not cool!

Chris: Challenge-throwing dirt farmer, Scott!

Scott: *gets thrown* Aggghhhhh!

Chris: Bossy bruiser jo, Who dominated until her underling turned on her!

Jo: (Struggling grunts) You're a dead man, Mclean! *gets pushed off* Aggghhhhh!

Chris: (Chuckles) And from our original cast: Cranky know-it-all c.i.t., Courtney!

Courtney: This is not in my contract! *gets dropped*

Chris: Courtney's bestie, Epic Dream Lover Gwen!

Gwen: *Falling* It's not like that at allllll!

Chris: Broody bad boy, Duncan.

Duncan: *falling* Bring it on!

Chris: Devious diva, Heather.

Heather: *falling* I hate Chris!

Chris: Loveable lamebrain, Lindsay!

Lindsay: *Falling* I'm flying! (Terrified shriek)

Chris: And Super fan, Sierra, Total Drama's number one stalker-Uh, blogger!

Sierra: For Codyyyyy! *jumps down*

(Huge splash)

Chris: (Sighs) Man, it's great to be back.

We cut to the beach as Chris with the robot go to the contestants

Contestants: (Coughing)

Chris: Greetings, old friends!

What A Monster 2: All-StarsWhere stories live. Discover now