Evil Dread

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Chris: Last time on " Vanoss' Adventures Of Total Drama": I welcomed the All-Stars and helpers to the newly decontaminated island. Then it was heroes Versus villains, diving into shark-infested waters in search of the one key that would unlock the door to the all-new McClean Spa Hotel for winners only. Thanks to Scott's cowardly fear of sharks, we learned that inside every robot beats the heart of a Spaniard. In this case, Alejandro. And while Alejandro might not hold the key to Heather's heart anymore, he did hold the key to the spa hotel and victory For the Villainous Vultures! And the Heroic Hamsters bid farewell to Lindsay via our newest and most humiliating commode of transportation: The Flush Of Shame. Who will be next to pop through the pooper? Find out right now on...Vanoss' Adventures Total Drama All-Stars!

Intro Plays

In the loser cabin Mike was asleep with his personalities talking

Chester: There's a storm a comin', dagnabit!

Svetlana: (Inhales deeply) I'm scared! Could something like this be the end of us?

Vito: (Inhales) Hey, oh, how we gonna stop this goombah?

Mal: (Inhales) We'll think of something. Calm down.

Manitoba: (Inhales) Hush it, mates, Mike is waking up!

Mike: (As himself) Huh? Huh? What's that? You guys say something?

All: (Snoring)

Sam: (Mosquito buzzes, Slurps and glugs blood) (Groans)

Mike: *shrugs and goes back to sleep*

(Glass shatters, blood sloshes, Mosquito buzzes)

Meanwhile on the girl's side. Blue was on Courtney's bed. Courtney was resting until Sierra took a picture of her doing so.

Courtney: Ahhh! What the heck?!

Zoey: Courtney? What's wrong?

Courtney: What's wrong is that we're sharing a cabin with a superfan with a bad case of crazy!

Sierra: (Giggles) Hey, Courtney! I've updated The "Sleeping" Section of your picture gallery on my fan site! Weeee!

Knives: Hey, I thought Chris said no to your contestants about the special stuff.

Sierra: I hate to break Chris's rules about smuggling in special items like my cell phone, but I have to keep My TD blogs current!

Glowing Heart: May I read some?

Sierra: Sure!

Glowing Heart: "Zoey's even sweeter than she is on tv. Courtney is even Courtney-er than ever."

Kim: Heh woah that's something.

Ibuki: I love it!

Ramona: Why not just write it down for later?

Sierra: It's better this way. Last time, I had a teensy bit of a problem with internet withdrawal. Without this link to Codywody, I'd probably lose my mind!

Monophine: Oh! Ibuki gets that way with Imposter.

Ibuki: I love that chonky man.

Sierra: Oh, I'm writing it down! Oh, internet, never leave me!

Chef: Room service, suckers!

All: (Frightened screams)

Courtney: What's wrong with you?!

Chef: Here's breakfast! (Snickers)

Penny: Thank you, chef...

Courtney: We've got to win the next challenge and get into that spa hotel!

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