Saving Private Leech

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Chris: Last time on "Vanoss' Adventure Of Total Drama All-Stars": our heroes and villains went digging for buried treasure and uncovered a few nasty surprises. (Chuckles) Scott villain-ed it up big time trying to sabotage the heroes, and when he got caught he didn't take it so well. But in the end, The Heroic Hamsters were victorious, and Lightning, fresh from a hungry night of exile on Boney Island, made enough boney-headed moves to get the royal flush from his teammates. Twelve competitors remain. Which one of them will ride the sewer system next? Find out right now On Vanoss' Adventure Of Total... Drama...All-Stars!


At the loser cabin

Duncan: Ugh! I had almost forgotten about these crud-tacular cabins.

Alejandro: (Sighs) Let us hope it is our only visit.

Scott: Ow! (Groans) I miss the hotel. now that I know how rich people live, everything I used to like stinks!

Vanoss: Yeah that's how it goes.

Iyami: Me would know.

Scott: *bed breaks* Ow! Agghhhh! lousy discount bed! (Hard punch) (Pained scream)


Matthew: Scott's okay. At least with him, you know what you're getting...Which is crud. But still, nice to know.

*End Confessional*

Alejandro: Well, good night, Gentlemen. (Contented sigh)

Mondo: Why the sleeping bag?

Alejandro: After a year in that robot suit, I find it difficult to sleep if I'm all spread out.

Mondo: Gotcha.

Hifumi: Where's Gundham?

Duncan: Hm? I don't know.

On The Girl Side.

Heather: Thanks again for blowing the challenge, Jo!

Jo: Me?! You're the one who wasted time arguing instead of digging!

Heather: I wouldn't have needed to argue if everyone just did what I told them to do! I'm the one with the most experience on this team!

Roxie: It's everyone's fault for not working together as a team.

Julie: Yeah! Now *bleeping* cram it, I am trying to sleep! "Bunking with the bickersons" is driving me bonkers!

Gwen: Mhm.

At the hotel

(Owl hoots loudly, Crickets chirp)

Butler: Shhhhhh, sir.

Owl: (Hoots sheepishly)

Sierra: *tucks in her phone* There you go, Codybear, all tucked in! Today was a great day. I made some new friends, and I helped win our first challenge. Aw! You'd be so proud. Sweet dreams! *kisses her phone* Mmmuah!

Courtney: (Sighs) Weirdo.

Ramona: Hm. A bit.

Blue: Bow.

At the guy side

Mike: (Long drawn-out sigh) Oh, yeah. (Chuckles) this is the life!

Cameron: Yeah, but I feel a little guilty looking at Sam's empty bed.

Karamatsu: Yeah I hope he and Gary okay over on Boney Island.

Meanwhile. Bears were looking up at a tree.

Gary: Oh man.

Sam: (Struggling grunts) Whew! (Chuckles) That was too close. Right, little guy?

(Chipmunk chitters and throws an acorn at Sam)

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