Part 75

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Dinah POV

I just woke up from my nap and now I'm looking for normani to say good morning and give her a kiss because that's what I do every morning anyways let me do my morning routine and then I'll get right back to y'all.

Dinah goes get her towel for her shower when she sees a letter on normani side of the bed and the ring that she had given normani.


If you are reading this it already means that I am gone I'm sorry that I had to leave you like this it hurts me to see you in this situation but it's for the best.

It was the only choice that I had to think of for my health the baby and for your health I never thought that I could be writing this letter to you.

There was a time where I thought that what we had the love could stand the test of time unfortunately that couldn't happen I'm not blaming you for anything.

And I know that I was the one who thought that we should work this out and you know start fresh but with everything that went on between us I realized that we are no good for each other.

And what made me realize that was when that girl drugged you and you dismissed my word into trying to help you.I'm not blaming you for anything I wish you all the best so please don't try to contact me I already made up my mind.

Lastly I want to thank you for all the love and support you have given me you allowed me to see the power of true love, life from nothing to all in you, I found what I've been searching for for all these years and now it's good bye so good bye dinah.

Sincerely normani

After dinah read the letter she crumbled it up and wiped her tears saying to herself this ain't nothing new I've been hurt before I surpassed so many obstacles in my life from me being kicked out at 16,using drugs, and dying on different occasions.

Hold on let me see who's at the door

Riley:(knocking on the door)

Dinah:who is it

Riley:mama open up it's me

Dinah:what is it that you want riley

Riley:I came to talk

Dinah:talk about what exactly never mind that I don't want to talk

Dinah:I just want to focus on getting my music on track

Riley:have we ever did a song together


Riley:mama relax I'm just asking a question by the way where's mom

Dinah:clearly she is not here don't talk to me about her

Riley sees the ring on the dresser in the room saying oh shit she went that route she really took off her ring I take it as she is leaving you dinah looks at her son saying no shit sherlock.

Dinah:I'm over it

Riley:wait did y'all ever get married

Dinah:I was going to ask her to marry me hints on why I gave her the ring

Dinah:good thing we didn't go through with it

Riley:so y'all been together for all these years and all of a sudden mom just ups and leaves

Dinah:look I'm over it right now let me just get in the shower get freshened up and then work on this music

Riley looks at his mom and says you writing for that group and for your solo music and dinah says yeah what's wrong with that.

Riley:nothing wrong with that mama just go take your shower also make sure that you take your medicine

Dinah says I don't know what is wrong with people nowadays damn I took my medicine like what the fuck like can people just leave me alone about that shit fuck.

Normani POV

So I'm at my moms house until I can find myself a place to live yeah as you know I left dinah because I couldn't deal with the fact that she been through what she been through and after that girl drugged her she wouldn't take her medicine stopped listening to me talking to herself and I saw a few alcoholic drinks I don't know if she's back to drinking or not but that's what I saw.

And I couldn't see her like that like I said in that letter that I wrote her before I had left trust me it hurt me writing that letter and taking off the ring I have love for dinah it just hurts me that she's hurting and there's no talking to her because it will just go around in circles.

Susan:hey normani are you okay

Normani: huh yeah I'm fine

Susan:no your not talk to me

Susan:is it dinah

Normani then says mom I just couldn't do it anymore I couldn't see her like that her declination with her not taking care of herself she just out of it and I just couldn't ever time I try and I tried talking to her all we do is go around in circles and the conversation was going nowhere.

Susan:so why you leave instead of just staying didn't you tell me that that girl drugged her


Susan:if you want my advice you should go back and be there for dinah and I'm talking about really be there no matter what the circumstances are

Normani looks at her mom and says you really think that me and dinah would work out together and susan says yeah I think so and for the sake of your daughter in your stomach sleep on it and by tomorrow morning if you feel like you don't want to go back to dinah than that's your decision.

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