New Addition To The Family

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~~~Catherine's pov~~~

After what felt like an eternity of pain, screaming, and likely crushing Loki's hand from how hard I was squeezing it, the moment I had waited so long for had finally arrived.

And nothing, I mean nothing, sounded more beautiful than the cries I heard after I gave that last push.

The next few moments were some of the sweetest in my life as my newborn daughter was quickly cleaned off and laid on my chest, her loud cries piercing the air as her tiny lungs filled with oxygen.

Quiet sobs of joy escaped my mouth as I kept her pressed to my chest, thanking God that she was okay.

"Hi, baby girl. It's me. Your mama." I spoke softly, looking down at my baby's adorably scrunched up face with the biggest smile gracing my lips. "Sorry it took me so long to meet you."

Her eyes weren't even fully opened yet, but I had already instantly fallen in love with her.

I had a daughter.

I really had a daughter.

And that meant I was a mom.

The shock of the moment finally started to fade and that's when I realized that Loki's hand had been on my shoulder the whole time, grounding me without me even knowing it.

I looked up at him through my joyful tears and saw that he had the same tears in his eyes as well.

Overcome with sheer emotion and postpartum hormones, I finally managed to get a few words out. "Ready to meet your daughter?" My voice wasn't quite as stable as I would have liked, but I still was able to gently lift our baby girl towards him, her swaddle coming slightly undone as I did so.

He nodded, very carefully taking her into his arms with shaking hands.

~~~Loki's pov~~~

A large smile spread across my face as I held my daughter for the first time. Or at least, my timeline's version of her.

She wasn't crying as much now, allowing herself to slowly open her eyes and reveal their bright green color.

That, accompanied by the jet black hair beginning to sprout on her head, I'd say I've found my mini-me.

"She looks just like you." Catherine smiled, her exhaustion evident. "I told you she'd be like you."

"You did." I chuckled, still not able to take my eyes off of her. "She's absolutely perfect." My smile remained despite the few tears I felt fall from my eyes.

I had only held her for a matter of seconds, but I knew in that moment that I would do anything for her. Protect her until my last breath. Love her with my whole heart.

And in the very second that she looked up at me for the first time, she became my everything.

"What are you guys gonna name her?" Julia asked us with a smile, holding a birth certificate in one hand and a pen in the other.

Catherine and I shared a knowing glance, having chosen her name long ago.

Some might think we got her first name after we met her future-self in 2043, but that's far from what actually happened.

In reality, we had picked the name a few weeks after we found out we were having a daughter and did some research.

Hearing the 2043 version of her introduce herself with that name just solidified our choice, knowing we picked the right one.

As for her middle name, I let Catherine pick that one.

"Linda Natalia Laufeyson."

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