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Being both roommates and coworkers with Taehyung proved to be much easier than Karina had feared; the carefree attitude he lives by also applies to his work. He certainly works hard when he has to, but he maintains such a calm, soothing air that Karina finds herself quite relaxed by his presence, and wanting to spend more and more time with him. His playfulness makes her laugh more than she had in a very long time.

They have only a couple more days to finish up everything for his event when he announces he has a surprise for her.

"Surprise?" Karina does not do well with surprises and asks him warily, "what kind of surprise?"

Sensing her nervousness, Taehyung seeks to reassure her. "Nothing big, it will be a lot of fun, I promise! But, we need to leave now if we are going to make it to your appointment on time," he finishes with a mischievous twinkle in his eye that Karina doesn't entirely trust. Even if she still doesn't understand all of his quirks, she knows him well enough by now to realize that he is definitely up to something. Still, it's her job to help him, so she agrees, albeit reluctantly.

"Ok, but first I wanna pop in to the Swan to do one last check on decorations and setup."

Taehyung rolls his eyes at this. "Karina all you ever think about is work! You are almost as bad as Yoongi-hyung!"

"Well I don't know who Yoongi-hyung is, but he sounds like a smart man. Come on, let's get going then."

The antique bell above the door to the Black Swan Cafe announces their arrival to Namjoon and Marlie, another of his staff. He gives them a dimpled smile and a wave.

"Hi guys! I wasn't expecting you two until later today."

Taehyung gives a dramatic huff at this, "We are not supposed to be here right now, but all this girl ever thinks about is work, so she insisted we come check on things." He plops himself down dramatically onto one of the tall stools at the counter and starts eyeing the pastries in the display case. Marlie scurries over to take his order, finding every excuse to touch his arm, smiling excessively and never taking her eyes from his face. Her obvious interest stirs an emotion within Karina she can't quite name, but irritation quickly bubbles up.

Trying her best -and failing brilliantly- to hide a scowl, Karina stomps to the back of the cafe where Taehyung's photography will be on display, and the event will take place. All of the pieces are hung, draped with black cloths until the event, but seeing all her hard work come together fills her with a deep sense of satisfaction. Event planning may not be her area of study in college, but even she is forced to admit that she has a natural flair for it.

"So does everything meet your approval?" Taehyung's husky voice in her ear makes her jump.

"Ack! Jeepers you can be quiet when you want to!" she says with a laugh, giving him a playful swat on the shoulder.

"Aish! Careful or you'll make me spill your coffee I brought you!" he playfully scolds.

Karina simply gives another little laugh as she accepts the perfectly-made steaming cup from him, thrilling a little at how thoughtful and attentive he always is towards her, seeming to know what she needs before she herself knows.

"It looks great, doesn't it!?" she asks, a bit of uncertainty creeping into her voice. She is surprised to find that his approval means very much to her. His smile reassures her.

"Ne. Yes, it is perfect. Now, we have to go so we are not late for your surprise!"

Namjoon overhears this as he passes by and chuckles, "Good luck Taehyung. Don't say I didn't warn you," he teases. Marlie looks from one to the other with a puzzled expression while Taehyung just laughs as he guides a suspicious Karina out the door.

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