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Karina glances around her in confusion as she wakes to find herself alone in a strange bed. As she sits up, a slight ache between her legs serves as a vivid reminder of where she is and how she got here. Easing back down onto the pillows, Karina spends a few quiet moments taking stock of the events of that morning, how she feels and what it might mean going forward. While she blushes a little at the remembered passion, she does not feel any regret or chagrin.

Getting out of the extremely plush and comfy bed, (of course, only the best for Kim Taehyung), she notices a robe and a pair of cozy socks laid out on the wingback chair. Touched at his thoughtfulness, Karina wraps the too-big robe around herself and pads out barefoot to the main area of the apartment.

She finds Taehyung in the living room, playing video games, with a large assortment of take-out containers strewn across the small island in the kitchen as well as the coffee table in front of him. Immersed in his gaming, he doesn't notice her at first and she steals a moment to watch him unawares. Still the shyness or awkwardness one would expect in a situation like this does not come to her, only contentment. It dawns on her again how foolish she had been to not notice how truly magnificent he really is, from his symmetrical facial features to his lean, sculpted physique. Watching his long fingers play over the gaming controller finally serves to make Karina blush, as she remembers those same fingers stroking her intimately. Breaking herself out of this train of thought, she approaches him and finally speaks, alerting him to her presence.

"Hey Taehyung." She suppresses a giggle at the startled expression he gives her when he finally notices her. Pausing the game, he stands and comes over to her.

"Hi," he says, somewhat shyly. "I uh, I didn't want to wake you... I ordered food...." he trails off, gesturing to the buffet of take out containers.

Karina is a little disappointed at his attitude toward her, but then she realizes that he is probably feeling uncertain because he doesn't know how she feels after what happened between them; that's just the way he is. Uneager to have this conversation so soon, but wanting to put him at ease she says, "Taehyung, it's ok. Nothing has changed."

Taehyung freezes at her words, his face going blank, and she realizes she has made a mistake and he has misunderstood the meaning of her words. She can read the hurt in his eyes as he says, "Ok, well. I have to go..." and starts heading towards the door to the apartment.

Anger bubbles up in Karina at the thought that he is willing to give up so easily, not even wanting to speak to her, making her voice come out more harshly than she intends when she says,

"Taehyung. Stop." He turns to look at her in surprise, his dark eyes wide and vulnerable.

Sighing in resignation, Karina starts again, also looking vulnerable and uncertain. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap, but we need to talk, please."

Unable to bear seeing her so meek when he always admires her strength, Taehyung simply nods and gestures for them to sit on the couch, and waits for her to begin.

Karina takes a steadying breath, sure of her feelings, but unsure of her words. "Ok. I'm sorry, I think you misunderstood my meaning. What I meant to say is that nothing has changed in regards to how we treat each other. I..." she trails off, suddenly overwhelmed.

Thankfully Taehyung seems to understand, or at least is patient enough to wait quietly while she gathers her thoughts.

"Ok Taehyung, I'm just going to come out and say it!" she suddenly blurts, making his eyes go wide in surprise again. She continues in a rush, "That was amazing. Perfect. I have never felt so desired, so cared for. And I have never felt such a passionate connection with someone before and I want to do it again and again with you."

Taehyung blinks quickly a few times as he processes her words. He is quiet for a long moment before he suddenly pounces on her with a playful smile on his face. Karina gives a little shriek of surprise as she is thrown onto her back across the couch as he tackles her.

"You wanna do it again right now?" he teases, wiggling his eyebrows up and down playfully, making her laugh. The firmness of his erection pressing into her evidence that he is serious despite his playful manner, causing her own arousal to stir. She bites her lip and gives him a playful smile as she giggles, nodding her head yes.

Taehyung doesn't hesitate, capturing her mouth with his in a heated kiss, his hands quickly sliding open her robe and under her slip. Karina gasps as he wastes no time in pressing one of his long fingers inside her. "So wet for me already," he moans breathily into her ear. She can only whimper in response , her lust consuming her.

Suddenly he stops, removing his hands and standing up, leaving Karina puzzled and cold in the absence of his warm body against hers. She props herself up onto her elbows, "Taehyu-eek!" she squeals as he abruptly hoists her up to waist height, his hands on her ass to support her. She instinctively wraps her legs around his hips as he starts out in the direction of his bedroom. She kisses his neck and nibbles on his ear along the way, causing him to give a sexy little growl.

Once inside his room, he sets her on her feet and immediately drops her robe to the floor as he kisses her again. Karina's urgency matches his and she slides his shirt up his torso. As he breaks the kiss to pull the shirt over his head she tugs his baggy grey sweatpants down over his hips and they drop to the floor, revealing his naked perfection. He is tall, lean, and sculpted muscle, but not too bulky, with smooth, dark honey skin that she can't resist touching.

She brings her hands up to his chest, sliding them down his lithe torso, surprised when they brush against the tip of his hard cock at his belly button; he's even bigger than she realized. He groans in need at her featherlight touch, kissing her again as he grips the hem of her slip and pulls it up her body, breaking away yet again to bring it off over her head. "So

beautiful," he whispers before picking her up once more and placing her onto his bed.

After slipping on another condom, he places himself between her legs and without preamble or warning, firmly thrusts fully into her, making her throw her head back and cry out with pleasure at being filled by him again. Taehyung pumps himself in and out of her, harder and faster this time, hooking an arm under one of her legs, pulling it up for better leverage to fill her deeper. Karina digs her nails into his back, raising her hips to match his thrusts, her panting and moaning matching his. She can't get enough of him, she wants him deeper, wants all of him. His desperation for her is the same, as he wraps his free arm around her, pulling her ever closer, driving into her completely, again and again until they both cry out as their orgasms crash into them simultaneously.

They lay sprawled on the bed together, catching their breath for a while. Taehyung is the first to speak. "I didn't hurt you did I? I didn't mean to be quite so...intense..." he asks with a worried expression.

Touched at his genuine concern, Karina seeks to reassure him with a kiss. "You're so sweet. You know I will tell you if you ever make me uncomfortable Taehyung. But honestly? I have never felt so cared for as I have since you and I became friends."

Just then, her stomach growls, breaking the mood and making them both laugh.

"Well I am not taking very good care of you by keeping you from eating all day!" he says with a laugh.

After eating and taking turns showering, they spend the rest of the day together in the apartment, snacking, gaming, chatting, and a little more making out.

Karina is the happiest she has ever been.

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