Prologue: A New Journey Begins

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It had been two thousand years since the grand festival in Tempest—the day that Rimuru Tempest and Ultima tied their fates together in marriage. Since then, the peace they had fought so hard to establish flourished beyond anyone's wildest expectations. The world had seen a long period of stability, harmony between races, and unchallenged prosperity. But with peace came new challenges, though not the kind of battles they were used to.

Rimuru, sitting at his oversized desk in the Tempest Palace, sighed heavily, staring at the mountain of paperwork in front of him. Endless reports, diplomatic communications, trade agreements, and requests from other nations piled up every day. A ruler's work was never done, but after millennia, it had become somewhat monotonous.

Rimuru: "Seriously... I miss the days when problems could just be solved with a good fight."

Ultima, who was sitting across from him, nodded in agreement, her violet eyes filled with equal parts boredom and frustration. Despite her incredible strength and her sharp mind, even she couldn't deny that handling paperwork had become... tiresome.

Ultima: "I agree. We've done everything there is to do here. Fought wars, settled disputes, united entire nations... Now, all we do is sit and sign papers."

She tapped her quill impatiently against the desk, a small smirk forming on her face as she added:

Ultima: "I could always destroy some of these annoying requests just to spice things up."

Rimuru chuckled softly, shaking his head.

Rimuru: "I'd be tempted to let you do that, but unfortunately, this kingdom would fall apart without us keeping things organized."

The couple exchanged a look, both feeling the weight of immortality in a world where everything had become routine. Their skills, their power, their influence—it was all well and good, but it left little room for excitement or adventure anymore.

Suddenly, Rimuru heard the voice of Ciel, the sentient embodiment of his Manas Skill, speaking directly into his mind.

Ciel: "Master Rimuru, if I may, I have an idea that could alleviate your boredom."

Rimuru blinked, surprised. Ciel had always been resourceful, but the tone she used piqued his interest.

Rimuru: "Go on, Ciel. What do you have in mind?"

Ciel: "This world, while it has offered many challenges, no longer holds the excitement it once did. However, there are other universes beyond this one, filled with untapped potential. If you wish to escape the mundanity, I could assist you in traveling to another reality—a place that neither you nor Ultima have experienced before."

Rimuru leaned back in his chair, intrigued. The idea of visiting another universe was new, even for someone as powerful as him.

Rimuru: "Another universe, huh? That could be interesting... But where exactly would we go? I've never really thought about other worlds like that before."

Ultima, who had been following Rimuru's side of the conversation, perked up, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Ultima: "Another universe? Are you serious? I could finally cut loose again! No more boring diplomatic meetings, no more sitting around... Let's do it!"

As Rimuru pondered the idea, Azura, Ultima's own Manas Skill, chimed in with her usual directness.

Azura: "I concur with Ciel. Both of you have grown complacent in this world. A new universe would present challenges neither of you could predict."

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