Chapter 2: The Birth of the Tempest Pirates

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As the sun began to rise over the calm waters of the North Blue, a magnificent ship cut through the sea. Its sails billowed with the wind, and the hull gleamed with a strange, ethereal glow. This was no ordinary vessel—it had been crafted from the rarest and most magical material known to any world: Adam Wood. The ship exuded a sense of majesty and power, a fitting home for its equally extraordinary crew.

Standing on the deck, Rimuru and Ultima gazed out at the endless horizon, both feeling a sense of excitement bubbling up inside them. After two years of intense training, they were finally ready to embark on their adventure.

Rimuru: "This ship... Ciel and Azura really outdid themselves this time, huh?"

He ran his hand over the smooth wood of the railing, marveling at how solid and unbreakable it felt. It was as if the ship itself was alive with power, waiting for its journey to begin.

Ultima: "It's perfect, isn't it? Strong, beautiful, and deadly. Just like us."

She grinned, her eyes sparkling with anticipation as she leaned against the mast. Her two years of Haki training had honed her already fearsome combat abilities to a new level, and she was eager to test them in the real world.

Suddenly, Ciel's voice chimed in Rimuru's mind, her tone filled with pride.

Ciel: "This ship was constructed using the finest Adam Wood available in this world. It will withstand anything the seas throw at you, Master Rimuru. Consider it a gift for your hard work during your training."

Azura joined in, her voice equally pleased.

Azura: "The ship will be a symbol of your strength and power. And with it, your legend will begin to spread across this world."

Rimuru nodded thoughtfully, already feeling an attachment to the ship.

Rimuru: "A legend, huh? I like the sound of that. But if we're going to be sailing the seas, we need a name for our crew."

Ultima's eyes lit up at the suggestion, though a mischievous smile tugged at her lips.

Ultima: "A pirate crew, huh? Sounds like fun. But what should we call ourselves?"

Rimuru crossed his arms, deep in thought. He knew that whatever they chose had to represent both of them—and everything they stood for. As the silence stretched on, the faint sound of the ship cutting through the waves echoed around them.

Rimuru: "How about... the Tempest Pirates?"

Ultima blinked, turning to look at him. For a moment, she seemed caught off guard, but then she started to laugh, her voice ringing out across the deck.

Ultima: "Tempest Pirates? That's... actually perfect!"

She placed her hands on her hips, looking out at the vast ocean ahead of them.

Ultima: "It fits us, Rimuru."

Rimuru smiled, relieved that she liked the name. He could already envision their flag—something striking and unique, a symbol that would send shivers down the spines of anyone who saw it.

Rimuru: "I'm glad you think so. But now comes the big question: how do we want to approach this world? Do we play the heroes, or... do we have a bit more fun and become the villains?"

Rimuru and Ultima Goes To One Piece (Rimuru and Ultima x One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now