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On my way back to my dorm room to get pack for tomorrow I start to think of the rest of the meeting and the pack we will be watching over-the Nightstone Pack.

Headmaster Browne had said that once we arrive at the house we will be staying at-which is close to the borders of the pack-our secret identities will be there.

Opening my door I call, "Icy, I'm home! And we are going on a road trip." All I got back was a jingle of bells indicating that she was running toward me and a meow.

I got her light blue cat carrier down from the closet and got to work at packing her things. Then I got to work on mine. I only packed two changes of clothes because the house we will be staying at is all ready stocked with clothes, food and other essentials.

I put my stuff, along with Icicles stuff, on my bed and went to the door. "I'll be back." Then I headed to the school's barn to see Midnight. My black gypsy horse.

On my way to the barn I saw Adam practicing his werewolf training. Oh, did I mention he is a werewolf? He got it from our dad. It is rare to have a gift and be a shifter but they do exist. Take us for example.

I wave as I'm passing Adam and he waves back and shouts, "Where are you going?" I reply with, "Barn." Then he goes back to training.

Our school has a horse riding program so the barn is huge with an inside and outside arena and tons of fields and trails.

Opening the red double doors I walk in to see people tacking up, putting away horses, feeding and cleaning. Since I spend most of my time here when I'm not training, I know most of the people so I hear a few people say hi.

I smile back and make my way to the North/West where the biggest stall is which belongs to a black gypsy stallion called Midnight.

I got Midnight when I was 5 on my birthday from my mom and dad. My last birthday with both of them. Midnight and I are child hood friends/brother and sister because we are so close. Since I'm a horse shifters I can talk with horses.

As I approach I contact Midnight through mindlink. 'Hey Midnight.' He responds with 'Hey Winter.' Thats my nickname from him.

I reach his stall and open the door and let Midnight out. 'Tomorrow we are going on a mission so we are going for a ride today.' I put reins on him and walk him to the woods where no ones aloud but me so I can practice my ice powers freely, thanks to Headmaster Browne.

I take Midnight's reins and hang them in a tree branch. I shift.

It hurt when I first shifted when I was younger. From what my brother told me about his first shift, it's pretty much the same.

Every shift becomes more and more easier. I can do it in a blink of an eye.

My horse is a gypsy vanner named Nyx. Her coat is as white as snow, with a mane and tail as black as a raven's wing. Naw, this sounds to much like Snow White. But that's her color.

After shaking my mane I rear and neigh. 'Lets go'. And I'm off.

Watching trees fly past in a blur, the wind rushing in my face, and the steady pound of hoofs against solid earth.

That feeling right there, the feeling of being free, is my favorite thing about being a horse.

After running for an hour I hear talking up ahead. I recognize the first voice almost immediately. My best friend  Vanessa. She can control air. "Lillian, there is something different about her. I'm doing the best I can but I'm trying to be sure she doesn't find me out."

They are farther away than I realized and even with my super hearing I can't hear them that well.

The second voice sounded male though,  but I can't be positive. He was to queit for me to understand.

Midnight and I take off, racing back to the treeline. 'That was weird.' I told Midnight.


In the morning we went to the head master's office to tell him we were leaving and then we went to the back truck with the blue horse trailer behind it.

"I'm driving." Adam shouts.

"No your not. " Drake tells him.

"Fine I call shotgun."

"Thats not fair!" I yell.

"Whatever." Adam says as he gets up front.

All of our stuff was loaded in the back besides Midnight and Icy. "Dustin you hold the cat and I'll go get Midnight." I tell him.

As I walk away he shouts back at me, "But I don't like cats." I hear Icy hiss. I start laughing.

"I'd watch what you say, Dustin." Im still laughing when I reach Midnight.

"Hey boy. Ready for an adventure? I have a feeling it's gonna be one we remember."  Opening the stall door I slip on his deep dark blue halter and and walked out, knowing he would follow.

Midnight walked right into the trailer than I closed the door. "See you later boy."

After taking climbing in the truck next to Dustin I had fallen asleep.  Dreams of running in wide open fields with the wind in my face and the smell of a pile of cakes filled my mind. Don't judge, cake is good.

I was awakened, rudely may I add, by idiots laughing which I came to realize was Dustin and Adam. "Guys!" I groaned. "I was having a perfectly good dream about cake. How dare you wake me up." I yawn, rub my eyes and throw my hair up in a messy bun.

"Where are we?" Another yawn.

"Well Sleeping Beauty, you have been sleeping for a good 12 hours so just another day or so. About 10 minutes away from the rest stop." Replies Adam which I just noticed was sleeping. Drake was sleeping on the passenger side.

"I always have perfect timing don't I?" I say.

"Cocky much?" Dustin raises and eyebrow and stares.

"Yeah. Pretty much." I stare back.

"Hey. Brother in the car." Adam shouts, but not loud enough to wake up Drake. He could sleep through anything. I mean anything.

Shaking my head, "Grow up Adam. It's not like we were in a heated make out session or even near each other. Don't get you panties in a twist." I swear when I glanced at Dustin I saw a faint trace of red across his cheeks but as soon as I looked it was gone. So quick I could've thought I imagined it.

"Finally!!! That was the longest car ride  of my life with the two of you." When we stop I get out as quick as possible and fall to the ground. "I've missed you so much ground. I thought I was never going to see you again. I thought I was going to take my last breaths in a car."

"Who needs to grow up now?" Adam says cockily. Guess you could say it runs in the family.

Once we hit the country road to our drive Adam decided to go all crazy and try to kill us. And Drake being Drake slept through it.

We were all out at this point and I ran in the white three story house, barely having time to process anything since I was using my super speed. I quickly scanned for the best room and found the master bedroom on the third floor with a bathroom and balcony.

"Yes!! Beat you Adam!" I shouted.

"You cheated L! Not fair." He yelled from the 1st floor.

"All is fair in love and brotherly and sisterly war." I say in a sing song voice.

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