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Third Person's P.O.V

"Just so you know, I've been cooking." Solemn broke off the ice, not wanting the scenario to follow Maize's lead. Her heart was still thumping against her rib cage, feeling every pound as heavy as her emotions.
"Really? When is that?"

Maize continued to sauté the vegetables, cooking with a smile on his face.

"Sometimes," Solemn whispered, but of course, Maize heard and started laughing softly to himself.
"Shut up."
"Yeah, yeah."

They were conversing with each other, but it was strictly limited to cooking and what Solemn should do. Maize was the head chef in the kitchen, instructing everyone what to do and what to do next. He felt alive, at long last. His heart was finally beating again. He missed his friends. The same friends who joked with him about stuff that he found amusing, and was there for him even though they didn't know he needed them.

"We're done?" Nine asked, sitting down, heaving a sigh of relief.
"Yeah. It seems that's all." Rhea answered, flopping down next to Nine and resting her head on Nine's shoulder.
"Doesn't this feel like we're back in the past? Maize is here with us, as well as Solemn. Them standing side by side and talking. And then Maize cooking for us. It all feels so nostalgic." Rhea sunk in her seat, feeling how comfortable the sunken sofa was.

Everything around the house reeked of expensive. The style itself was enough to make them think that the owner was loaded, but certain things like the chandelier hanging above them at the moment made them realise that the owner was more than just 'rich'.  Laine's and Nine's eyes wandered around the living area. They couldn't help but somehow think that this house is screaming his style.

They remember him saying what he wanted his house to look like.

"Speaking of them both. Where are they?" Jaden asked, looking around, searching for Maize and Solemn.
"I don't know. Last time I saw Maize was in the kitchen, and Solemn was already gone before we left." Baks was the one who answered Jaden's question, completely unaware of his surroundings.
"Hey, Baks. Did Maize say anything to you?" Rhea asked, catching Baks's attention, making him turn off his phone and putting it down.
"So, you guys don't know as well? Me neither." Jaden sighed.
"We can't get anything out of Solemn." Nine shrugged.
"I'm too afraid to ask Maize. That guy's too angry at the world to answer me."
"Angry? Who's angry?"

Solemn sat beside Baks and crossed her legs, wanting in on the conversation. Completely oblivious to the tension, she looked around expecting someone to answer her.

"You sure? We're talking about Maize." Baks raised an eyebrow, worried that Solemn might be irritated or upset.
"I'm fine. Why is he angry?"
"Why am I angry? Who said that?"

This time, Maize was the one who entered the living room. He was fresh out of the shower. His hair was still slightly wet, and some of his hair were sticking to his forehead. He had accomplished perfecting his wet profile, and he was putting it on display for Solemn to see. Solemn was, again, taken aback and had to look away to avoid Maize's attractiveness.

"Ask them."
"You never really answer me when I ask." that irked something inside Solemn, completely knowing that it was just to get in her nerves.
"Oh, shut up. As if you ask to ask."

Maize sat beside Lainr and smirked, looking away from Solemn and looking at Jaden.

"Hey, man. I've missed you."

Among the girls, Maize was particularly close with Jaden because Jaden was a lesbian and she was one of the people that didn't judge Maize for being weird when it came to food and drinks. Jaden accepted Maize's vulnerability without questions.

"Yeah, well, not enough to visit me when I was in an accident?" Maize pouted, guilty.
"You know I was out of the country at that time."

Solemn was surprised to hear that Jaden was still in touch with Maize after Maize shut everyone off, including herself. Jaden could feel Solemn's discombobulated gaze and felt chill run down her spine, but she insistently ignored Solemn's gaze.

"Just messing with you, man."

They did their handshake and Maize went back to smirking at Solemn before crossing his arms, making his chest puff out.

"What are you looking at?" Maize asked, taunting Solemn's patience.
"I have eyes. Do you want me to close them?"
"Hmm, why specifically me?"
"I have free will. Are you going to say that everything I do needs to have a sort of explanation?" Solemn raised an eyebrow, knowing it herself that she made a solid point.
"Pfft," Maize said with a smile on his face. He stood up and went to the door.
"Where are you going?" Rhea asks, popping her head to the side to look at Maize.
"Calling the others so we can eat. Otherwise the food will get cold. Can you guys get the table ready for us?"
"On it."
"Should I get the drinks too?" all of them went to the kitchen to prepare the table for everyone when Nine asked.
"Later." Baks answered.

As Solemn was putting plates on the table, her mind wondered to her questions of 'what if'. She can't seem to explain what she was feeling. Maize changed. He was playful with her, smirking and all flamboyant. He used to be cute and clingy with her - she shook her head and thought,

We were dating then, so of course, he'd be different.

"I'd hate for this getaway to end so soon." Jaden complained as she readied the salad.
"It's only starting. Don't be sounding like that, man." Baks was also feeling the same way. Good things always come to an early end.
"You guys are such party poopers." Rhea clicked her tongue in disappointment as she put spoons and forks on each plate that Solemn put on the table.
"I always like our annual getaways, but I share their sentiment for now. Maize is here, and I don't think I'm ready for this to end yet. Who knows when we'll see him again." Nine said, pouting, doing nothing unlike the rest of the group.
"Can you help?" Laine asked, transferring the vegetables into a bigger bowl.
"Girl, chill. I will," Nine finally stood up and grabbed some spoon and fork from Rhea.

Solemn was silent as they talked. She was still having an internal monologue. Ever since she saw Maize in person, she has been asking herself questions that she shouldn't be asking as she had already sealed the deal between them three years ago.

"Maize is going to be hanging around for three months."

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