the year is 1914 and the great war had begun is a grim and unforgiving world where war has continued for many years. The war is fought between rats, mice, roaches and lizards alike. Millions of fates and dreams are nothing more than ashes from the f...
Empire soldier 2:we have been getting reports of missing people so the council sent us to find out what happening
Empire soldier:5,000 soldier just looking of some missing people we are soldiers of the empire we have more important things then looking for some lower Peasants
Empire soldier 2:that the thing it slave traders and nobles that been going missing
Empire soldier:what how can that-
Empire general:enough talk it getting dark we shall set up camp here we shall go back to seach later
[The soldier of the empire set up there camp as the night guard watch over the camp]
Night watch soldier:man how did I ended up here (sigh) (he takes out a photo of his wife and children) don't worry darling I be back soon (a stick broke he looks back to see) that the he-
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(he get a knife in his back in the neck he falls to his knees as he watch the blackclads burned and killed his fellow soldiers ripping them out of there tents stabbing shooting and burning the empire soldiers then darkness)