3 - The New Kid

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If you read the female reader chapters I accidentally put on here, no you didn't.. (°ー°〃)

The halls of the Hidden Leaf Academy buzzed with life, filled with the chatter of students and the familiar scuff of sneakers on polished floors. For everyone else, it was just another day, but for you, it was anything but ordinary. You were the new transfer student, navigating the awkwardness that came with stepping into a school full of people who already knew one another.

Adjusting your bag on your shoulder, you felt eyes on you as you entered the classroom, whispers trailing in your wake. You weren't surprised. It was normal for new kids to attract attention. Still, it didn't make the spotlight any easier to bear. With your head down, you walked to the back of the class, settling into an empty seat by the window.

As you unpacked your notebook, you felt a strange sensation—like someone was watching you. Glancing around, your eyes caught a pair of dark, intense ones staring right at you. Sasuke Uchiha.

You'd heard rumors about him before you even arrived. The infamous bad boy of the academy. He was the one who constantly found himself in trouble, rejected every girl who approached him, and didn't care about anyone but himself—or so they said. His aloofness was legendary, his reputation set in stone. But now, his eyes were locked on you.

His stare sent a jolt through your system, but you quickly looked away, your heart suddenly hammering in your chest. You couldn't understand why Sasuke, of all people, was focused on you. And yet, even as the teacher began speaking, you could still feel his gaze lingering on you.

Throughout the day, you caught Sasuke looking at you during classes. The intensity of his stares made you feel like there was something more to him than the rumors suggested, but you weren't sure what. Maybe he was just curious about the new kid, or maybe there was something else—something deeper.

It wasn't until your last class of the day that something changed.

You were sitting at your desk, half-listening to the teacher drone on about history, when you felt a light kick against the back of your chair. Startled, you straightened up and glanced over your shoulder, only to see Sasuke sitting behind you, his expression unreadable. Before you could react, a crumpled piece of paper landed on your desk.

You unfolded it, your eyes scanning the hastily scribbled words: What's up, new kid?

Your heart raced as you glanced back at Sasuke, who was casually leaning back in his chair, his gaze now focused on the board as if he hadn't just thrown you a note. You hesitated for a moment, then scribbled a quick reply: Not much. Why are you asking?

You tossed the note back, feeling a surge of adrenaline as Sasuke caught it with ease. For the rest of the class, you and Sasuke passed notes back and forth, the tension between you growing with each exchange. He asked questions—about where you came from, why you transferred, what you thought of the academy. His responses were short, but there was a strange sense of curiosity behind them. It was clear that he was interested in you, even if he didn't show it in the most conventional way.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the day, Sasuke slipped one last note onto your desk. Meet me behind the school after class.

You stared at the note, a strange mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling up inside you. What did he want? Was this some sort of prank? But deep down, you didn't think Sasuke was the type to mess with someone like that.

You found yourself standing behind the school as the sun began to set, the sky a mix of orange and purple. The area was quiet, with only the faint sound of distant voices drifting in from the front of the building. You shifted on your feet, waiting.

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